The Tragic Truth


I tried to go about my life as normal as possible. Except for one tiny detail [hint my sarcasm]: my boyfriend left me, my best friend ditched me, and I kept having those recurring dreams. Every time, they would get a little more detailed, with minor discrepancies to the dream. But then right when I thought I knew who the people in the dreams were, they became all blurry again. I could never just get a clear view.

About a week or so passed, and everything was relatively the same. That is, until I broke down again.

I came home from school, feeling miserable already because everyone was ragging on me and just wouldn’t leave me alone. I had had enough of school, friends, my job, life. I wasn’t keeping up on the rent. Without someone to share the apartment with, it was near impossible to scrape together enough money. Everything was driving me so insane, I even forgot to close the door to the apartment when I walked in. So to cool off, I took a page out of Zoe’s book and started cleaning.

I did all the dishes, swept the kitchen floor, cleaned the bathroom until it was spotless, and tidied up the TV room. I decided to skip over Dannii’s old room. I started cleaning up my own room when I stumbled across a picture of Kae and me. His arm was around my waist, and we were both smiling. I was smiling because I knew Kae was a perfect miracle in my life.

But now I wasn’t sure what Kae had been smiling about. I didn’t know what to believe anymore. There were loads of people surrounding us, and I remembered that that was the night he played for Battle of the Bands. His band won 2nd place. We both looked so happy, standing there like there was nothing in the world to pull us down from the high we were living in. That picture did it for me. I had had too much that day, and enough was enough. I ripped it up into tiny little pieces, and it fell in a heap on the floor. I jumped onto my bed, grabbing my stuffed frog, Hubert, and pulling him next to me close. I started rubbing my face against his fabric, remembering that I had put a lot of makeup on that day. I was sobbing, and I couldn’t control it. I didn’t even hear anyone walk into the apartment.

I could sort of sense someone standing in my doorway, but I didn’t look up. I thought it was probably Zoe, or the landlord. But then I heard the voice.

“Don’t worry, baby girl. I’m here. Don’t hurt anymore.” I quieted my sobs but stayed staring into Hubert. Before even looking up at who was in my doorway, I thought back to my dream. De já vu. Slowly, I leveled my head, aware of how horrible I probably looked with my heavily running makeup. When I leveled my head, the boy’s face was blurry. I thought I was dreaming again. Gradually I realized that there were tears still in my eyes, and they were blocking my vision. I closed my eyes, and then wiped them, getting all the tears out. I looked up again, fearing at who I might see.

In the doorway stood my ex-boyfriend, Drake, with a black suitcase in his hand.