The Tragic Truth


We walked out to Kae's car holding hands. Before getting into his car, I reached up and kissed him.

"I don't want this night to end..." I whispered. He pouted his lower lip, but suddenly changed his mood and brightened up when he looked at me. The light bulb over his head was almost visible.

"Well...It doesn't necessarily have to," he whispered back. I looked at him in a questioningly.

"Come back to my apartment," he said. And I did.

"But what about your parents?" I asked, stepping out of the car and onto his driveway. I shut his car door, cringing when I realized what a loud noise it made.

"We'll just be really quiet," Kae answered. He smiled and quietly shut his door. Show-off, I thought.

We crept really quietly up the stairs and into his room. He closed the door behind him and locked it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. He kissed me deeply, looked at me, and smiled back. I loosened my grip and slipped off my shoes, boogeying towards his bed.

We laid down on his bed and turned on our sides. I held him close, as if, if I didn't, he would float away. He rolled on his back, and I rolled on top of him, giggling in the process. I've decided that smiling while kissing is the greatest thing you could ask for. It's funny/romantic, and it just makes you feel like you're actually wanted. It sounds crazy, I know. But trust me.

I rolled back next to him and we took a break from "swapping spit". I laid my head on his chest, which was slowly rising and falling from his gentle breathing. His heartbeat, I could hear, was calming. In a way I could feel it beating tandem alongside mine. I inched closer to him, never wanting to let go.

"So, we've known each other for about two years, at least. And you've never told me why you live alone with Dannii," he whispered. I never noticed how calming his voice was. I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat for just a second more. I sighed.

"Well, I never got along with my family," I whispered back, "and they never got me. I never really had a real family except..." I yawned really wide and started speaking again, "except for Dannii. One day, we had had it, so we packed up our...bags...and..." I struggled to keep my eyes open. I had to answer his question. But the soothing sound of his heartbeat was more than I could ask for, and in the end, that was what lulled me to sleep.

I woke abruptly to the sound of knocking on the door.

"Kae, are you awake? We were going to go to IHOP as a family..." trailed Kae's mother's voice. Oh shit...I thought. I guess Kae sensed that I was awake, because he sat up too, probably thinking the same thing.

"Why'd you have to yell? Geez...Umm, I'm changing. I'll be out in a minute." Kae improvised. I looked at him with a smug smile, and then got back to worrying again. From what I'd heard, his parents were more on the 'crazy practiced Catholic' side of the line.
We both quickly got up and I slipped my shoes on.

"How should I get out?" I whispered frantically. He paused a moment, thinking. Then he looked over at the window and pointed.

"Window..." he said, sort of half awake. Then he saw the worried look on my face and added, "Don't worry. I do it all the time. We're only two stories up, and there's a sort of fire escape thing right next to it. You'll be fine." Surprisingly enough [to me, at least], I started heading towards his window. Wow... I thought, I trust him more than I thought I did. I climbed out the window, but not before giving him a kiss.

"I'll try to get over to your place as soon as possible," he said quickly. "See you later."

"I had a really great time last night," I said. With that, I clambered down the side of his house and started walking home.