The Tragic Truth


It had been-what-almost two months since Drake came? He stayed a little longer than expected, but no big deal. We missed having him and Keith around.

The reason I'm not explaining anything that happened in the two months since the whole Drake thing was that, well, it was boring. Nothing really happened. Just school, hanging out with Kae a lot. One thing interesting happened though: Dannii and I got our own radio show.

Our jobs along with the radio show you could say, were, mediocre. Well, I mean, I'm a free-lance photographer, so I sort of employ myself, so that was no big deal on my part of the rent. Dannii sang and jammed with her guitar sometimes at restaurants and stuff for a little extra money, but mostly she worked behind-the scenes at a local bar/club [imagine that, not being old enough to drink but you work in a club]. The only reason that she was even allowed to be employed there was because her aunt owned the place, and she knew what our situation was [she also knew that we didn't want our families to find us, so she kept her mouth shut].

Anyway, with the radio show we started, we were able to get a little more cash in so we could pay the rent [when I say a little cash, I truly mean a little].

I rolled over on my bed, sort of fidgeted around a little, and snuggled in. It was a Saturday morning. I was not about to get up so early. Well, okay, it was 10:00 in the morning. Not that early. But if you knew me, you'd realize how late I usually sleep in. Kae pulled me in closer, swiped my hair out of the way, and kissed my ear. Lately we had been sleeping together when we found the chances to. Sleeping, though, nothing more. It was nice. It’s nice to be able to wake up and know that, not even two inches away from you, there’s someone that loves you.

"Wake up sleepy head. We need to get you an alarm clock." Kae laughed. His laugh always did something to me on the inside; it was like it broke my heart and put it back together in the matter of half a second. It always made me smile, in the end. There's really no way to explain it. So if you didn't get that little metaphor, just use your imagination. I sat up and stared at him.

"I probably look like shit," I complained. He stared into my eyes and laughed again.

"You say that every time, and I'm going to give you the same reply. You'll look beautiful no matter what you do." He added on, "Except for that piece of hair." Half of me probably knew that he was joking, but in a way I almost got self-conscious around him.

"Where?" I said, running my fingers through my hair to find something.

"Right...there." He replied. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed me roughly, making me topple back onto my bed. We both laughed and he pulled me in closer again. We laid there for about five minutes, and I almost fell asleep again. But then I remembered something really important...something which I think both of us forgot.

"Dammit," I half-whispered. Kae looked at me and cocked his head.

"What is it?" he said. I had done my best to forget about today, because I knew I wouldn't like it when it came. But it wasn't probably the best idea, because...Kae was moving to Colorado today. And I think we had both forgotten. His parents finally decided that it was a sure deal they were moving to Denver tonight. I can't believe that both of us had forgotten. Or maybe he just didn't want to say goodbye.

"You're-you're moving today...what are we going to do?" I asked worriedly. He looked shocked and that confirmed my thoughts...he had forgotten.

"Don't worry. I have a plan. Don't even think about it until tonight...I just hope it works." Kae said. Great. A brilliant scheme that I wasn’t informed of.

"What is it?" I asked. He kissed my forehead and looked right into my eyes.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise," he said, and that was all he gave me. I rolled my eyes and buried my face into his chest.

After I changed out of my pj's, Kae and I drove over to his house. He said that he had something that he had to do. When we got there, he took all of his boxes and band equipment and loaded it into his car. And for whatever reason he had planned, he let his parents catch him.

"What are you doing?" his mom asked in that annoying-nasally voice of hers. That really annoyed the crap out of me. But this was where his 'master plan' got put into action, apparently.

"I'm not moving to Colorado with you. I'm not going to give up a life, a girlfriend, a great school, and for shit's sake, New York City, just so that you guys can have a change of scenery," he stated. He was acting really tough towards his parents. He didn't usually do that.

"What do you mean you're not moving? We're part of a family, and you have to come. It's not like you can pack up and just move in with one of your friends." His dad argued. That's when I thought I should say something. So, I did.

"He's coming to live with me and Dannii." Wow...Bold move, Skye. Kae's parents just glared at me for a minute. Then they did the little bit where they thought they were going to say something, so they opened their mouths to say it. But then they realized they were still shocked, and they couldn't talk, so they closed their mouths. I was almost going to laugh in their faces.

"That's right. I've packed up, emptied my bank account, and I'm living with them. Call me when you get to Colorado." Kae almost died of laughing while saying that. I got into my Jeep, and he got into his Toyota Camry, and we both left the house.

When we got back to the apartment, we loaded all of his stuff as quickly as we could into the apartment. I'm pretty sure we were laughing the whole time. I could have possibly blacked out from the lack of oxygen making it to my head. Dannii heard us and came out of the TV room to see what it was all about.

"Hey, what's going on? And why the hell are there a bunch of boxes here? Oh, cool! Since when do we have drums?" Kae and I both looked at each other and laughed again. We hurriedly explained everything to her. She was really happy for us! But I swear there was a bit of disappointment in her eyes when figuring out that the drums weren't hers.

His parents, surprisingly enough, didn't come after him. They actually did call him when they reached Colorado in a couple of days. His dad, the more reasonable of the parents, finally understood why Kae had to stay, and he convinced his mom that it was a good idea. Kae and I had only been together for about three or four months, we were both still in high school, and yet he had moved in with me. This had to be one of the best days of my life. To add to the excitement, my birthday was coming up soon. That night, we fell asleep on my bed, in our apartment, listening to the demo of his band.