Status: In progress

'Til the End

New Kid

Woodland is a small town in the middle of nowhere, with a population of only 3,032. I have lived here my whole life (same as both my parents) and have gone to school here since pre-school.
Living here my whole life has given me some advantages though. Like how everyone knows me or who I am, even though I will never admit to being popular. I’m just not that kind of girl. Sure I like pink and shop for shoes often, but I’m not two-faced or anything. If I don’t like you i'll tell you (there will more than likely be a good reason why though).
But while living in a small town your whole life has its advantages, living in a small town In general has its disadvantages. Like how everyone always knows your business. People just don’t have anything else better to do that gossip. So news travels fast, which is why I’m surprised I didn’t here about Dan McCole earlier.
I'm not too excited about him being here. I mean, come on, he picked a fight in sixth grade that got him expelled. Plus he was always kind of weird.
So when I here Mrs. Shotsu announce this to the class my head shoots up to see him to walk in. I even stop scribbling down answers to the homework I didn’t finish last night.
Dan McCole is dressed in a black V-neck tee (but not in the gay kind of way) and tinted blue jeans with a hole in the left knee that you can tell was not bought from the store that way. His Vans are light brown to match his perfectly not styled hair. Then Dan’s intense green eyes stare into mine.
My breath catches in my throat. “Wow, those are some beautiful eyes,” I think to myself. But their not quite as beautiful as the whole Dan McCole “package” (I bet he has a good one of those too Haha! Jk). It honestly takes all my will power not to walk up to him and touch his hair.
“Ok, this is definitely not the Dan McCole I remember,” I think,” He is totally HOT.” Suddenly I notice that my mouth is wide open and my pencil has fallen off my desk. I extract my eyes from his and pick up my old #2 pencil.
“Ummmmmm……,” Mrs. Shotsu says while scanning the room,” I guess you’ll have to sit by Alyss Wheeler. Right over there.”
My breath catches in my throat once more. Because I'm Alyss Wheeler, and I’m sitting next to the only empty seat in the room.
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