Status: In progress

'Til the End

Why Now?

“Well, hello there”, Dan McCole says to me as he takes off his black helmet to smirk at me.
“Oh, hey”, I say, still feeling shitty about the break-up.
“No ride in your boyfriends Corvette I see”
He sees my disappointment, “What happened”, he asks. The concern in his voice surprises me, because I was expecting his usual catchy line.
“Thomas is not my boyfriend anymore”, I say, no being sure why I'm telling him this.
“Well…..I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not. And I can tell you don’t want to talk about it……so, here”, he reaches his black helmet towards me.
“I don’t….”
Then, cutting me off, Dan walks up close to me and puts his clean smelling helmet snug on my head.
“I can tell you need a ride”, he says to me as he takes my hand and guides me towards his bike.
He sits and pulls me in from behind. He is so close. All of the sudden, we are zooming past the acres and acres of trees. I tightly hold onto him as we speed faster and faster.
When we stop at the big red stop sign, Dan says, “This time when I tap your hands raise them. OK?”
“No way”, I say loud over the motorcycles purring engine.
“Just do it”, he yells back, not caring the least of what I think about it. Then we are going again.
After a few long turns, Dan’s rough hands tap mine. I pause, I can’t move nonetheless breath, until he holds my hand. His warm fingers on mine give me reassurances and a bit of a back bone.
So I squeeze the bike between my legs and let go of Dan. The wind feels refreshing to my skin as my arms extend out to each side.
Then, I can fly.

When Dan gets to my house, I jump off felling completely refreshed. I take off Dan’s helmet and spin in circles like a little kid. When I stop I see Dan leaning against his Harley. His arms are crossed and he is smiling at me like I’m a memory flashing before his eyes.
“That was absolutely amazing”, I say walking toward him so we are face to face. “I felt like a bird”. I then decide to quote my favorite movie/book, “I think that in another life, I was a bird”. I spin around with my arms straight out again,” I’m a bird!”
Dan’s hard hand catches my arm and he pulls me toward him. His brilliant green eyes look into my soul as he says,” If you’re a bird, I’m a bird”.
Then we kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it took so long :(