

“The stars are so beautiful tonight.”

He hummed softly in reply, smiling, as he dropped his gaze from the sky to look at her. She looked so at peace, out here in their not so secret place, and she looked beautiful, moonlight in her hair and a blanket from their home wrapped around her form. She’d turned her head to grin at him, eyes sparkling, the love that they’d discovered years before still shining brightly as he smiled right back. She giggled, blowing him a kiss, and then turned her head back around, tilting it back a little to gaze up at the stars.

His smile widened, and he touched the air-kiss to his lips, returning the gesture even though she’d turned away. There was something about this kind of moment that always made him want to just stand back and watch her stare in wonder at the sky. He couldn’t help but smile to himself and give in to that subtle urge- he shifted his frame against the bumper of their car, crossing his arms over his chest and eventually letting his gaze drift back toward the sky.

He felt his heart rate pick up a little as he heard her whispering, and he bit his lip and smiled despite himself as he realized that he knew, word for word, exactly what it was that she was saying. He almost closed his eyes and envisioned her: eyes closed, mouth moving, whispers drifting off into the autumn air, hands folded in front of her as if in prayer. His smile twitched a little. Whenever they came here and he was about to leave, she prayed, and sometimes, he knew that she wasn’t sure what deity she was speaking to.

But he’d always been convinced that there was some sort of higher power on their throne in the sky; if there wasn’t, then there was no chance in hell that he’d ever have had the chance to experience something like this.

He waited until her whispers had faded and the air had fallen quiet, and then he let his gaze return to her, and his smile became softer, and he released a barely audible sigh.



She turned and smiled at him, and his heart rate picked up just a bit more as her love for him shone right through her eyes.

“Come here for a second, hm?”

She smiled again, and he opened his arms as she rose and walked over to him, drawing her close to him and stroking at her hair, pressing a gentle kiss to her mouth. Her hand lifted from the confines of her blanket-coat, and he shivered just a little as her palm touched his cheek. He could only sigh happily and kiss her again, and then he drew back with a smile and gently turned her around in his arms. She giggled a little, pressing back against him, staying close to him, and she smiled as his chin found the crook of her neck.

“This is our place, ne?” he asked, and he turned his head to kiss her jaw as she nodded, smiling. “Then no matter how far away I go, I will always be here.” His voice was warm, gentle, against her skin, and she shivered, closing her eyes and pressing closer, letting his arms hold on tighter, letting his warmth become hers, too. He kissed her skin again, his lips touching her temple, and he smiled his softest smile as he his lips found her skin once again.

Her hand slipped from its blanket prison once more, folding around one of his, picking it up and placing it over her heart. Her hand squeezed his as their fingers laced together, and he shut his eyes as he turned his head, lips right at her ear.

“I’ll always be home, with you, in here.”