Welcome to Stupid School!

La Couca Racha, La Couca Racha, Dadadadadadada

Mikey and Gerard danced around the street, waiting for their mom to come over and give them a ride.

"Oh my gawsh it's that guy... Um... Jerome that I saw on MTV!" Screamed a random old lady who was always trying to be young and hip. She ran into the street screaming while also having a seizure but before she got to him a big giant robot car ran her over!! It stopped a few inches away from Mikey and Gerard. The door opened and Mrs. Way fell out. She was blasting "Buttons" from the radio and dancing all disco-y.

"Hey mawmaw's little bay-bees!! Whuz poppin'?!" She said, striking a pose.

"We were just late for school and you," Gerard yelled, pointing a finger at his mother and wagging his buttocks back and forth with every syllable, "Are making us later! Humph!"

Gerard stomped off to school, which was right across the road. Mikey had already gone in about fifteen minutes before.

"I love y-" Mrs. Way was unable to finish her sentence because she got hit by a giant robot motorcycle and died. Mr. Way waved vigorously at Gerard, making entheusiastic faces and screaming, "You can do it, m'boy!"

Gerard laughed heartily and waved back at his father. Then he skipped inside and to homeroom.

Gee was sneaking over to his chair and was not being noticed at all, but then he farted and it blew his cover.

"Gee!" Screamed Frank from his seat. "Uh I mean, caw caw!"

"Skwak skwak!" Gerard screeched back.

"Kaaawww!" Frank screamed, gracefully flapping his arms and running to the bathroom.

Mikey, Bob and Ray went "aww!" and then Gerard put an invisible skittle taco on Frank's seat and sat down on his chair.

Grace, the teacher, sighed, pat the invisible chocolate rainbow kitten, and downed a bottle of RitalinĀ®.
"Guess what we're going to do today, children!!"

What ever are the children going to do today?!! Will Grace get over her addiction?!! Will our heroes meet anyone famous?!!

Stay tuned to find out!
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