Welcome to Stupid School!

Lovin' you is easy cause you're beautiful

...A silly man wearing a fedora and dancing the twist while wearing flashing blue-and-red trousers and giving a bunch of people epileptic seizures.

"HE'S PREGNANT!!!!" Ray shreiked, standing up and farting on Bob's hair. Bob cried and laid his head in Gerard's lap and Gerard stroked his hair luffingly.

"NOO, YOOOOOOOOOUUUUU AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRREEEEEEEE!!!!" Screamed the silly fedora man anxiously. He threw scallops into the air gracefully. The scallops ate the fungus on the ceiling, and Paris Hilton's ear.

Ray and the fedora man got into a mind numbingly huge, important ballet contest to decide everyone's fates.

Meanwhile, everyone was crouded around Bob, who was going into convulsions in Gerard's lap. Gerard was crying with confused frustration at nothing in particular.

"Bobbert, are you okay? Bobster? McBob?" Kehli said shakily, holding back tears and shaking Bob vigorously so he smashed his head on the spiky carpet and bled all over Gerard's pants. "BOOOOOOOOOB!" Kehli screamed, throwing him against the wall. Then she cried a salad made of tears.

"OOOhhh!" Hannah squealed. "Free salad!" She kicked the salad in Mikey's direction, because Mikey was not getting enough love.

Mikey cried some salad dressing but he spilled it on Gerard's lap, which made everyone sad so they re-enacted the Bobston Tea Party.

Bob gave a thumbs up before he fell into a black hole and was transported to Tim Horton's.

Mikey and Frank kissed for no apparent reason. That made everyone sad so Grace, Kehli and Hannah formed a girl band and cheered on the sidelines for Ray and the fedora man.

Gerard decided he was too coo foo yoo and put on his gangsta geddup and sat in a corner hyperventalating. Frank ran to comfort him.

"Bark bark woof!" Frank screamed, giving his purrrfect pal a hug. Gerard acted ghetto and didn't notice.

"Why?" Mikey said under his breath. "Why?" A lone tear trickled down his face and landed on a magical elf's head so all of a sudden everyone fell into a vortex and ended up in a weird elevator.

"This place is weird." Frank whispered all giggly-like in Gerard's ear. Gerard said "Whatever".

"Look!" Grace screamed. Everyone turned to where she was pointing and there, in the distance, was a giant pancake slowly levitating towards them.

"We're saved!" Everyone squealed.

But this pancake is not who they think it is...

Who is the pancake? Is it a mirage? Is this whole entire story a mirage?

Tune in next time to find out.
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sorry I didn't update before! *moves to Bobston and becomes a cannibal*