Welcome to Stupid School!


Everyone stood heroicly and watched as the pancake drew closer, like a battleship. Suddenly a door on the bottom of the pancake opened and a ladder made of tomato paste dropped down.

"We're saved!" Frank screamed. He ran eagerly to the ladder and climbed gracefully up it. Grace, however was on top of the pancake, gnawing on the tasty pancake tasting pancake. She sighed dreamily and took another bite.

Everyone else was acting all ghetto and singing their ABCs while doing the little lad dance.

Suddenly Frank started crying and his tears turned into fish tacos and all of a sudden everyone but Grace farted and poofed into the pancake.

Our crispy crew looked around to see they were in a shiny, metallic room with pictures of waffles on the wall labelled "WAFFLED WANTED, DEAD, BIG REWARD".

Against the walls to the right and left were stands holding up large test tubes with stacks of pancakes of all different shapes, colors, sizes, and genders. One of the test tubes contained a hybrid waffle-pancake with a label reading "Dangerous" stuck on the glass. One of them contained Dan Rather.

In front of them, glass walls and a door showed strange looking pancakes taped to lawn mowers riding motorcycles. Cameramen were ranting about "Hot pancake babes". The door had a poorly written label on it reading "Lawn Mowers Gone Wild".

"That's hot." Ray said dreamily, pressing his face on the glass and drooling.

Suddenly a voice boomed from the intercom.

"WHO DARES ENTER THE PANCAKE OF SUPER EUPHORIA SHIP?!" Screeched a familiar voice. Faint meows could be heard in the background.

The door behind our heroes slowly, at about one inch per 10 seconds, opened, and the familiar scent of skittle weed flooded the room.

There, in the doorway, was Bob. He was dressed in a scraggly old bathrobe printed with cats wearing underwear on their heads. Behind the torn up, frayed, see-through robe was tiny shorts decorated with pictures of cats with jalepeno peppers for bodies. On the back of the pants, it said "HOT - T" in bold pink lettering. Cats of all breeds surrounded him, their gold collars with pancake shaped tags glistened in the light.

"Who are... YOU?!!" Bob screamed, throwing throwing stars at them, and the invisible turkey fart man in the corner. "MEOW!"

The cats hugged Bob's hairy ankles in despair.

"Meeoeo-" A cat attempted to communicate something important to Bob, but he smacked it.

"Let that be a lesson to y'alls!" Bob said in a squeaky, nervous voice, pointing at the cats. In his nervousness, he began to dance to the YMCA song. The cats were overwhelmed with jealousy of his dancing talents, but said nothing.

While Bob was dancing and crying, our pretty petal pals sneaked past Bob and into the door he had just come from, ending up in a large stairway.

"ONOES!" Gerard yelled. "How will we ever get up this huge staircase?!"

How will they get up to the top? Will Bob appease the cats, or will they hate him forever? Why is Bob piloting the Pancake of Euphoria Ship?

Tune in next time to find out.
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T-T dudies, why so little readers? The last chapter had only 3.. *sniffle* Don't you luff me...? *threatens to commit suicide if you don't comment and tell people to read my story*