Long Live the Car Crash Hearts


After splashing water on my face I walked out of the bathroom. Spencer was standing there.

"Are you ok?" He said.

"Yeah why?" I said.

"Because I saw you run into the bathroom." He said.

"Oh I'm ok."

"But I heard you throw up."

"I know I'm just getting over the flu." I lied.

"Oh well you shouldn't be out then."

"Yeah I'm really ok."

"No we should take you home."

"Alright I guess." I agreed. I really didn't want to be there. But I didn't want to tell everyone about me being 16 and pregnant. "We need to go tell Frank though." I said.

"Ok lets go." He put his hand on the small of my back and led me to Frank.

"Frank." I said. He turned around to face me.

"Yeah." He said, I was glad he wasn't drunk.

"I told Spencer that I was just getting over the flu so he's gonna take me home." I said winking as a sign that he doesn't know about me being pregnant.

"Oh ok well you feel better and I'll be home soon." He said getting my hint and kissing my cheek.

"Kay bye." I said.

"Bye." Me and Spencer walked out of the club. But the funny thing is that he didn't take his arm off my waist. Not that I minded but I don't know it just mad me wonder about things. It made me think that he actually cared about my well being. We got in the car and I gave him my keys so he could drive. The car ride of a whole 10 minutes was fairly quiet, we just talked about some random shizzle. We got home, got out of the car and walked into the house. I just thought about something.

"You should go back to the club." I said.

"But I need to make sure your okay." He said.

"But how are the other guys gonna get home."

"Those bastards can get a cab." He said laughing, making me laugh too.

"Well I'm gonna go to bed. You can do whatever."

"Ok." He replied.

"Goodnight." I said walking to my room.

"Night." He yelled after me. I didn't even bother to change. I got on my bed and fell into a peacful sleep.