Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

2 Years Later


I was sitting on the couch with my 2 year old Frank sitting next to me. We were watching cartoons. I love my son. He's a mix of what Frank and Zacky look like. I heard the front door open.

"Where's my favorite nephew at." I heard Frankie yell. Little Frank got up and ran to his uncle. "Hey little man." Frankie said.

"Don't say hi to me." I said sarcastically getting up.

"Hi." He said doing that signature grin of his.

"Shut up. What are you here for?" I said going into the kitchen to get a sippy cup for little Frank. I gave him his sippy cup, which he gladly took then sat down at the kitchen table.

"Well Panic! at the disco is playing tonight so I wanted to see if you and little Frankie here wanted to come." He said sitting down with Frank on his lap.

"I don't see why not." I said. "Why do you want me to come?" I asked curiously.

"No reason." He said awfully suspiciously.

"Yeah right." I said.

"Ok I was trying to set you up with Spencer. He said.

"I knew there was a reason. I paused. "Plus why would Spencer want something to do with an 18 year old with a kid.

"Because he's liked you since you were 16."

"Yeah but that still doesn't take away from the fact that he doesn't know about little Frank." I said pointing to him.

"I know but we'll work that out later." Now you go get ready.

"Fine." I said heading for my room. I put on a black knee length skirt and some heels. Then put on a black tank top that said 'I'm with the Ieros' on it. If you can't tell already I'm very happy to be an Iero. I walked back into the kitchen, grabbed my keys and purse.

"Alright lets go." Frankie said. We all walked out the door and got in Frankies car. I put Frank in his booster seat. We drove to the arena and Frankie parked the car.

"Ok before we get out you need your passes." Frankie said handing me two backstage passes. I put one around my neck and one around Frank's neck. I picked him up and we headed for the big arena.

"OMG ITS FRANK IERO!!!" We heard some girls shout.

"RUN!" Frank yelled and took my free hand. We thankfully made it to the arena untouched but it was a close one. We started walking backstage showing our badges to people. Then I saw the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen.