Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

Brother and Sister

"Well he's stable right now but we don't know if he's going to make it." The doctor said.

"Can we go visit him." I asked.

"Not that many of you right now. Plus you don't want to see him in this state." He said
shaking his head.

"Frankie come with me." I said. We both got up and started towards my son's room. Frank grabbed my hand and squeezed it signaling that he was here for me. We walked in the room and what I saw was horrible.

There was my son taped up to a bunch of machines and he was on a heart monitor. My knees gave way below me as I burst into tears. I fell to the ground Frank coming with me to comfort me.

"This is all my fault." I said as my body was being shaken with sobs.

"No its not." Frank said. He was crying too. After a while I calmed down enough to stand and walk over to the bed.

"A two year old doesn't deserve to be hooked up to all of these machines." I said. He also had a big bandage wrapped around his head. "I just feel like if I hadn't let go of his hand, he wouldn't have wandered off and fallen down the stairs." I said with silent tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Don't think that way you have to think posative so Frank can get better." Frankie said.

"Frank I don't mean to sound bitchy but how can I think posative when my son is lying in a hospital bed." I said.

"Now I know its bad you never call me just Frank its always Frankie." He said trying to lighten the mood. It worked just a little. I smiled a bit. Frankie could always make me smile.

"Give me a hug." Frankie said. I walked towards his outstreched arms and wrapped mine around his neck.

"I love you Frankie." I said.

"Love you too kid." He said.