Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

Frank wakes up

All night I was in Frank's hospital room just sitting by his bed and watching his sleeping figure. I would watch his chest rise and fall so rhythmically, insuring myself that he was indeed still alive. The steady beeping giving me reasuring too. I made Frankie leave at midnight. I told him to go home and get rest. It was now about 4:00 in the morning and now I was getting tired. I took my son's hand in my own and layed my head on his bed. Slowly I fell into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up to someone moving Frank around. It was a nurse. I brought my head up and she smiled down at me. I took my cell phone out from my front pocket and looked at the time. It was now 10:00 in the morning. I noticed the nurse was taking Frank's heart moniter off.

"What are you doing that for?" I asked in curiosity.

"Well he's been stable long enough that he doesn't need it."

"That's great." I said feeling slightly uplifted. "Do you know how long he will be in here for?" I asked.

"Well probably two more days. We want to see how he's doing." She said as she was leaving the room. I looked back at Frank who was stirring on the bed. He opened his eyes slowly.

"Morning." I said stroking his cheek lovingly.

"Hi mommy." He said his voice cracking a bit. I heard the door open and close. I looked back and saw Frankie and Spencer enter the room.

"Hey champ." Frank said to his nephew walking towards the hospital bed.

"Uncle Frankie." Said little Frank. I loved hearing his little innocent voice. He's growing up so fast. I can't believe its already been two years since I had him. I remember the day quite clearly. I had him on May 15 in 2005. I got out of my thoughts and turned my attention to Spencer who was standing awkwardly by the door.

"You can come in we don't bite hard." I said trying to lighten the mood. He laughed a little and walked over to me.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm doing alright. Hoping that Frank will get out soon. I want him to be better." I said.

"Yeah." He said.

"So when do you go on tour next." I asked Frankie.

"Well I was going to talk to you about that today." Oh no whats going on I thought. "The guys said we have to go on tour as soon as Frank is out of the hospital." He said.

"Man this all the record company isn't it." I said. I knew it wasn't the guys falt because it was the record company that organized tours. So that meant they had to have a totally huge tour for their new album. And it had to be when Frank was better.

"Yeah it is their fault I tryed-." I stopped him.

"Its not your fault I'll be fine." I said trying to make him feel better. He smiled half-heartedly.

"Yeah I'll take care of them when your gone." Spencer said. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Spencer." Frank said. I was truly happy that Spencer cared about me because I cared about him too. I was also happy that I wouldn't be totally alone when Frankie leaves. When ever he's gone I always feel alone but not this time.