Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

It's Okay to Cry

The two days with Frank in the hospital passed fast as he was getting better. I was now on my way out of the hospital holding Frank in my arms and Spencer on my side. Frankie was now at the apartment waiting for me to get back to he and the guys could say goodbye to me. I opened the back door to my car and put Frank in his little booster seat, I then proceeded to get in the passenger side. Spencer got us home in a matter of about 5 minutes. I got Frank out of the car and walked up the stairs and walked into the apartment.

All of the guys were in the living room.

"Finally." Frankie said throwing his arms in the air.

"Oh shut up," I said. Frankie came over to me and took little Frank from my arms. "Be careful of his head Frankie." I said referring to the bandage witch was still around his small head.

"I'm not stupid Hannah." He said taking him over to the guys so he could say goodbye. I took off my A7X hoodie and walked over there with him Spencer trailing behind me. Gerard came over to me to say goodbye. Then all the rest of the guys except for Frankie had said goodbye to me. Then it was Frankies turn. He stepped in front of me.

"I'm gonna miss you kid." He said.

"Gonna miss you too bro." I said. Frankie let out a chuckle. He pulled me in for a hug. We hugged until someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned to face whatever it was. Gerard was standing there.

"Sorry but I have to steal him from you." He said smiling.

"I guess you can have him." I said sarcastically. Frankie grabbed his bags and headed for the door with the guys.

"I'll try to call everyday." He said.


"I love you." He said

"Love you too." I replied. Then he walked out the door. I walked to my room and sat on the side of my bed. I noticed the picture on my nightstand. It was of me, Frankie and our mom. Frankie was 10 and I was 2. Frank had on his signature grin. It brought back a lot of memories, some good and some bad. I felt silent tears sliding down my cheeks. Spencer came in the room and saw me crying.

"Whats wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing just memories." Spencer came and sat next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder.

"Its ok to cry." Once he said that I just let go. I sobbed into his chest. I cryed for everything. I cryed for Frank. I cryed for Frankie. I cryed for my mom. I cryed for my whole family. I basically cryed until I was exhausted because the last thing I remember was Spencer planting a kiss on my forehead and falling into a peacful sleep.