Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

Leaving for Jersey

It was now 6:00PM and me, Frankie and Frank are getting ready to leave for Jersey. I got a weeks worth of clothes for me and Frank then walked out of my room and into the living room with mine and Frank's clothes in hand. I walked into the living room to see Frank and Frankie waiting for me.

"Lets go guys." I said. We walked out of the door and down to my car. I picked Frank up and put him in his booster seat in the back of the car. I got in the passenger seat and waited for Frankie to come and start driving. After putting the luggage in the trunk Frankie got in the drivers seat, turned the key and started driving.

At about 8:00 we decided to stop for something to eat while we were in Pennsylvania. We all got out of the car and went into the little diner we picked out. We sat down and the waitress got a little booster seat for Frank. After we got situated me and Frankie started talking.

"What do you think dads going to say when he sees little Frank?" I asked.

"I'm really not sure but I really want to know what he's going to say when I confront him about what he did to you." He looked me straight in the eyes. I could see the hate and anger burning very deep.

"Frankie you really can't blame him that much he was drunk." I said taking a sip of my pop.

"Drunk or not he never should have done that." He said.

"Believe me I know." I sighed. The waitress brought us our food. We ate in silence and waited patiently for the bill. We split it half and half then left the diner. A little bit up the same road we found a small motel to stay at. Again we got out of the car and walked to the room we rented.

It was a small room with 2 queen beds and a bathroom. I put Frank down on one of the beds so he could go to sleep.

"Frankie." He said as he reached for his uncle.

"One minute little guy." He said going into the bathroom. A couple minutes later he came out in his pyjamas which included his Danzig shirt and Misfits pants. After he came out I got up from my spot at the end of one of the beds. I got some pyjamas and headed into the bathroom.

After changing, brushing my teeth and brushing my hair I walked back into the room. Frank and Frankie were sleeping. Frankie was holding little Frank who was sleeping on his chest. Frankie loved him so much. I layed down on the other bed and pulled the covers up. Slowly I fell asleep thinking about what was to come tomarrow.