Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

Are you Happy now

That night actually went really well I made dinner. I put my past with dad aside and accepted Marrilyn into my life. Little Frank loved her. So I guess our trip was going pretty well so far. I walked into the living room and sat on the recliner, my dad walked in and sat on the couch.

"So whos Franks father?" He asked.

"Zachary Baker." I said. I took out a picture I had of me and him when I was 16 and showed it to him.

"So are you guys still together?"

"No I haven't seen him since I told him I was pregnant." I said.

"Well thats to bad. Franks really cute though." He smiled as little Frank ran into the room.
"Mommy save me." He said as he jumped into my lap. I looked up to see Frankie running after him. Frankie grabbed him out of my lap and spun him around.

"I've got you now." Frankie said.

"Nooo momma save me." Little Frank said. Just then 'I caught fire' started playing through my cell phone, I knew it was Spencer. I went through my bag and found it.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hey hows everything going?" He asked.

"Pretty good but I miss you." I said.

"I miss you too."

"I'm really sorry but I have to go put Frank to bed."

"Its alright I'll talk to you soon." He said.

"Ok I love you." I said.

"Love you too. Tell big Frank I said hey." He said.

"I will. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and got out of the reclining chair.

"Who was that?" My dad asked.

"That was my wonderful boyfriend Spencer. Who says hey to big Frank." I said. Frankie laughed. Dad just nodded.

"Well I'm going to go put Frank to bed." I said picking him up.

"Aww do I have to." Frankie joked. I smaked his arm and he started to pout. Dad laughed as did little Frankie. I walked up the stairs to the room that me and Frank would be staying in. I layed him down on my old bed and kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight baby." I said.

"Mama sing to me." He asked.

"Alright," I said. I already knew what song he wanted me to sing. "Some say now suffer all the children and walk away a savior." I sang the words of MCR's song 'sleep'. I finished the song and he was asleep. I kissed his forehead one last time and left the room. I was about half way down the stairs when I heard Frankie and dad talking.

"Why did you do that to her dad?" Frankie asked.

"Frank that was a long time ago." Dad said.

"It still doesn't excuse what you did." He said.

"I know."

"But why I'm still having a hard time grasping that concept." Frankie said.

"Because I didn't want your mother anymore and she was the only one around." He said
raising his voice slightly. "Are you happy now?"

I quietly walked back up the stairs, walked back into my room and sat in the corner. Soon silent tears were streaming down my face.