Long Live the Car Crash Hearts


So after breakfast me, dad, Frankie and Little Frank piled into my car to go shopping. I drove to the mall and we all walked in after I put Frank in his stroller.

"So where do you guys want to go first." Dad asked as we walked around.

"You really don't have to buy us anything." I said.

"Well I want too." He said.

"Lets go to hot topic." Frank said. I nodded, we walked over to the store and just started looking around. I saw a shirt that I wanted to buy Frank. It said 'Mommy's little metalhead'. I picked it up and put it on top of Franks stroller. I also got him a ramones hat and a couple more shirts. I looked around a little more and found a purple& black hoodie striped for myself. I walked up to the counter intending on paying for it myself but then dad came up.

"How much". Dad asked the cashier.

"57.40." She siad.

"Dad I can buy it myself." I said.

"I don't care i want to buy it for you." He said. He handed the cashier the money and after Frankie bought his stuff we were on our way back to Dad's house.

"So Frankie what have you been up to these days?" Dad asked him.

"Well I think I want to ask Jamia to marry me." He said. I smiled.

"Oh Frankie you should. I mean you guys have been dating for how long?" I said.

"Yeah on the way home we can stop and buy a ring." He said.

"Yay. My big brother is getting married." I said. We made it back to the house and got out of the car.

"So is Marylynne coming back tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah." My dad answered. We got in the house and just kind of hung out for a while. Thats when I heard noise in the driveway. I walked to the door and opened it. I couldn't believe who was here.

There stood Spencer, Bob, Mikey, Ray, Gerard, Ashley, Jamia, and Alicia. I smiled. I ran out and tackled Spencer to the ground in a bone crushing hug.

"Oh my god I missed you guys so much." I said from the ground. I had literally tackled Spencer to the ground with my hug. I got up and pulled Spencer back up with me.

"I missed you too babe." He said putting his arm on my waist. I smiled.

"Come on I want you to meet my dad." I said. We all walked into the house where Frankie just about knocked Jamia down with a hug. Then dad came into the room.

"Dad I want you to meet Spencer, Jamia, Alicia, Bob and you know the rest of them." I said pointing to them.

"Hello." He said.

"Spenc." I heard Franks little voice yell. He ran into the room and Spencer picked him up.

"Hey little guy." He said. I'm so glad that Frank likes Spencer.

"Dad do you mind if they stay here?" I asked.

"Not at all." He said. I smiled.

"Come on Spence I want to show you my room." I said I took Frank from his arms and led
him upstairs. Once we entered the room I put little Frank on the bed.

"This was your room when you were a kid." He said sitting on the bed as well. He pulled me onto his lap.

"Yeah its nothing special but it was home." I said. I put my head on his shoulder and he put his hand on my stomach. Thats when little Frank decided he wanted to be there too. He climbed up onto Spencer's lap. I saw Spencer smile. Right now I feel so happy, Frank loves Spencer and we can be a little happy family. The rest of that night went really well everybody just kind of hung out. Just as me, Spencer and little Frank were getting ready to go to sleep Frankie came in the room.

"Hannah can I talk to you." He said.

"Yeah talk." I said.

"Well tomarrow's thanksgiving and I want to propose to Jamia instead of when we go home." He said.

"Then do it," I said. "You love her and I know she loves you. I can tell by the way she looks at you. She'd love you so much if you made her your bride." I smiled as did he.

"Alright I will." He said.

"Good for you," I said. "Now get out so I can get some sleep." He laughed, kissed my cheek and left the room. I lay down next to Spencer and a sleeping Frank.

"Goodnight babe I love you." Spencer said.

"I love you too." Then we both fell asleep.