Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

Happy Thanksgiving

I opened my eyes and looked over at Spencer he was awake as well.

"Happy thanksgiving honey." He said kissing my forehead. I smiled. Frank wasn't in bed with us so I figured Frankie came in and took him. I got up and walked out in the hallway. I walked down the stairs to see everyone in the kitchen eating breakfast, Spencer came down after me.

"Morning guys." I said.

"Happy thanksgiving." Frank said. Then there was a chorus of 'happy thanksgiving'. I smiled.

"So girls are we going to cook tonight?" I asked Ashley, Jamia and Alicia.

"Yeah sure." Jamia said.

"I can't cook for shit." Ashley said.

"I'll cook." Alicia said.

"Cool." I said. After breakfast we just decided to spend sometime together to talk.
At about 3;30 everyone went to get ready for dinner because we all wanted to be semi-formal. Us girls decided to wait until we were done cooking dinner to get ready so we didn't get food on our good clothes.


We just put the finishing touches on the food, set the table and took the food in there. I walked out into the living room to the guys.

"Dinners on the table." As soon as I said that everyone got up and started for the table. We all sat down. My dad stood up and tapped his wine glass. We all looked over at him.

"When Frank and Hannah were little I always used to cut the turkey but this year I'm passing the tradition to my son." He said. Frankie smiled.

"Before I do that I'd like to ask a special person something." He said. He went down on one knee before Jamia.

"Jamia you know I love you to death, and I would die for you any second of any day. I want to be with you for the rest of my mortal and immortal lives. Will you marry me?" Jamia had a tear running down her cheek.

"Yes I would love to marry you Frank." She said. He grinned ear to ear and put the ring on her finger. Then he delicatly kissed her lips.

"Now lets eat." He said. Thats when the thanksgiving feast began.
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Sorry for the shortness.