Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

Getting Our Own Place

*Two months Later*

Once we got back from Jersey the wedding planning began. It was decided that Frank and Jamia would have a January wedding. They picked out the venue, dresses, suits, flowers and decorations. It was now two weeks to the wedding.

Me and Spencer are still together and happier than ever. Frank is growing so fast. I can't believe he'll be three in March.

"Hannah can you come with me to the grocery store." Jamia asked me.

"Yeah sure." I said. We left for the grocery store in my car.

"I'm so nervous that my wedding isn't going to be perfect." Jamia said.

"I know it must be stressful." We arrived to the grocery store 10 minutes later, upon arrival we walked inside and got a cart. As we were shopping we talked about wedding details and stuff like that.

After we were done shopping we walked to the little lines and got checked out. We walked out of the store and my cell started ringing. 'Spencer' the little caller ID thing said.

"Hello," I said flipping open the phone and putting it to my ear.

"Hey babe," he said.

"whats up?" I asked.

"Do you wanna go to dinner tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I said.

"Cool umm do you wanna just drop Jamia off and we can go now." He suggested.

"Umm yeah sure we'll be there in a few." I said.

"Alright love you,"

"Love you too."

"Bye." I hung up my phone and told Jamia about it. We loaded the grocery's into the car and started to drive home.

We got home and Spencer was waiting outside for us. Me and him helped Jamia get the grocery's in the house then we got in the car and Spencer drove us to the restaurant.

"It'll be nice to have dinner with just the two of us tonight". He said.

"Yeah." I said. Especially since Frankie had agreed to watch Frank for me. Spencer parked the car and we got out. We walked to the restaurant hand in hand.

The hostess standing at the little podium led us to our table and we sat waiting for the waitress.

"I miss spending time with you." I said to Spencer.

"Yeah it's nice to finally have a moment to ourselves." He said.

"Maybe we should get our own place." I said.

"Yeah we should." He said. Just then the waiter came up and took our orders.

Not long after we ordered our food came and we started silently eating.

"Well if we are going to get our own place when do you want to start looking?" I asked.

"Well we could start tomarrow if you want." He said.

"Alright that sounds good."

After dinner we paid and left the restaurant. We had such a nice night and I'm happy that we're going to get a place of our own.