Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

Weddings & Car Crashes

[The Day of the Wedding]

Me and Spencer decided on not getting our own place right now because Frank and Jamia needed our help and support during the planning of the wedding. But we do plan on getting one after the wedding is done.

Jamia was freaking out. I couldn't say anything to calm her down. Her mind was set that something was going to go wrong today. We were in the dressing room of the church picked to have the wedding in.

"Oh my god I'm getting married in less than an hour are you sure I look ok?" Jamia said in one breath.

"Jamia you look great." I said.

"Don't worry about it Frank loves you and you guys are getting married today." I said.
"I know but I'm just so stressed and I have a really bad feeling something is going to go wrong." She said.

"Believe me this day is going to go perfectly fine." I said. I heard the music start at that moment.

"Well I guess its time." Jamia's sister AKA the maid of honor said. We all lined up and Bob and Kaitlyn started off the line. Then Gerard and Lyn-z, then Mikey and Alicia, Ray and Crista, Jamia's sister and her boyfriend, and finally me and little Frank. I carried him in one arm and a basket of flowers in the other.

I set Frank down by Gerard and walked over to the other girls. The bride song started and Jamia walked down the aisle with her father, I looked over to Frank he had tears in his eyes, that made me smile.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" The preacher asked as Jamia and her dad made it to the end of the aisle.

"Her mother and I do." Jamia's dad said. Frank walked over to her, took her hand and went to stand in front of the preacher.

They went through the vows and the 'i do's' and after almost 2 hours the wedding was over. We got outside and since we were by a beautiful lake we stayed to take some pictures.

There was a picture of Jamia and Frank, the bridal party, the groomsmen, the parents with the bride and the groom. Almost every wedding picture you could ever want they took it. When I thought we were done Frank said something.

"Can I get a picture with my baby sister?" He asked. I was in shock, he wanted a picture with me. We walked over by a tree, he draped an arm over my shoulder and we smiled for the camera.

"Thank you." I said to Frank.

"For what?" He asked.

"For being a great big brother." I said. We hugged and then we decided it was time to leave for the reception. We walked out to the limo, everyone from the bridal and grooms partys got in even little Frank.

"Come on Hannah your coming with us." Frankie said.

"No I'm gonna take a seperate car with Spencer." I said.

"Alright we'll meet you there." He said. I shut the door and the limo drove off. I walked over to Spencers car and climed in. I kissed his cheek.

"Come on lets go." I said. He smiled and started driving. Hopfully one day we can have a wedding.

"So are you happy for them." Spencer asked me while we were stopped at a red light.

"Of course I am but hopefully that can be us one day." I said.

"Yeah I hope it will be too." I smiled. The light turned green and Spencer started driving again.

That's when it happened, it felt like slow motion.

Some guy ran a red light and slammed straight into my side of the car. My head bounced off the window and then I fell over to Spencer's side of the car. I felt the pain pulsate through my body as my world went black.