Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

For your Son

*Still in Franks POV*

We all piled into the limo again, I had little Frank in my arms while I was on the verge of tears. Jamia was trying to comfort me. We told the limo driver to get us to the hospital as fast as he could.

It still took us about ten minutes to get there though. When the car stopped I jumped out the door with little Frank still in my arms. I ran into the hospital and to the receptionist desk.

"Is there a Hannah Iero here?" I asked.

"Let me check," She said. She typed something into the computer. "Yes she's in the ICU but you might not be able to see her."

"Thats okay." I said. All ten of us followed the directions of the huge hospital and got to the ICU waiting room. We all sat and we waited.

"She's gotta be okay," I said. "I can't loose my baby sister."

"Where's momma?" Litte Frank asked me, looking at me with those big green eyes. That set me off I started sobbing. Jamia took Frank off my lap and started rubbing my back.

"She's gonna be okay." Jamia said.

I noticed a doctor come into the room. He had two charts in his hands.

"Are the families of Spencer Smith and Hannah Iero here." He spoke to the room.

"Thats us." I said.

"For both of them?" He asked.

"Yes." I said. The doctor walked over to me and sat in the empty chair across from me.

"Well in the case of Spencer he has three broken ribs, a broken leg, a broken arm, and a gash in his stomach." He said.

"Hannah got the bad side of the crash. She had a bleed in her brain we had to go in and releive the pressure. That put her in a coma. She also has a broken leg, and four broken ribs." I was still sobbing.

"Thank you doctor." I said.

"Only immediate family members may see Hannah and no kids can come in. Only a few of you can see Spencer at a time he's in the recovery room," He said. "I'm so sorry." He then got up and walked out of the room.

"Frank go see your sister." Jamia said. I nodded. I got up and walked out of the ICU waiting room. Just down the corridor there was a desk, I walked over to it.

"Wheres Hannah Iero's room?" I asked.

"Umm I believe she is 215 the first door on the left." She said.

"Thanks." I said. I walked over to the door that said 215 on it and opened the door slowly. What lay on the bed surprised me.

It didn't even look like my sister. She was like one of the sheets on the bed, but with a bluish tint to her soft skin. The tears started cascading down my cheeks once more, she had tons of tubes hooking her up to beeping monitors and medications.

I walked over to the bed and sat down in the chair sitting next to it. I took her hand in mine, it was so cold.

"You've gotta get through this," I whispered. "If not for me for your son."