Long Live the Car Crash Hearts


*Still in Spencer's POV*

*1 month later*

Once again I was sitting in Hannah's hospital room just hoping that any minute she would wake up and we could be together. I haven't seen her big brown eyes in a month now. Every night it seems like I'm crying myself to sleep.

Her pale white hand was being held by my tan one. She was completly lifeless, the only noise in the room was the steady beeping of the machines keeping her alive. The doctors want me to pull the plug on the machines. That means if she can't breathe on her own she will die.

I told them that it shouldn't be my decision, so right now they are asking Frank what he wants to do. It will kill me and him if she dies, she is my life. The door opened and I looked back to see who it was. It was Frank.

He shut the door behind himself and came over to me. He pulled up a chair and sat down.

"The doctor just asked me." He stated looking at the ground.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I told them I needed to think."

"I'm leaving it up to you. Your her brother."

"I hate seeing her in this state." He said.

"Me too."

"But then again if we turn off the machines she could die and I don't know if I could take that."

"Me neither." A silence fell over the room.

"I don't think I can keep her on the machines." He said, he looked up with blood shot eyes. His tear stained face full of sorrow.

"Okay." I said.

"I'm going to tell the doctors." He got up from his chair and walked out of the room. I looked over at Hannah. Tears spilled out of my eyes. I put my hand on her cheek.

"I love you." I whispered bending down and kissing her cheek. They say people in comas can hear you, I hope she can hear me. Frank came in the room with all of the guys and the doctors following him. He walked up and stood next to me.

"You ready?" He said with a tear in his eye. I nodded. The doctor walked to Hannah's breathing machine and slowly unplugged the cord. Mine and Franks tears turned into sobbing as we realized that now Hannah would either wake up soon or die in this hospital bed.