Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

Who I Really Am

*Spencers POV*
The machines that had been hooked to Hannah were turned off so me, Frank and the doctors expected that she would die that day. Me and Frank were spending most of our time in the room with her holding her hands and crying.

"I really don't want to loose my sister." Frank said through his tears.

"I don't want to loose the love of my life." I said.

"You really do love her don't you?"

"Yes I do with all of my heart."

A couple minutes of silence followed my statement. I looked down at Hannah, her face a white ghostly color. When I looked at her I could swear I seen her eye twitch.

"Did you see that?" Frank said with a speck of hope in his voice.

"Yeah." Thats the last thing I said before Hannah opened up her eyes.

*Hannahs POV*

Voices could be heard in my mind as I woke up. It was kind of hard to open my eyes, it felt like I hadn't opened them in forever. I managed to get them open though. I was in an all white room, two strange men were standing by the bed I was laying in. I knew I was in a hospital.

"Oh my god your awake," Frank said. "Spencer go get a doctor."

"Whats going on?" I asked, my voice cracked a little. His hand found my forehead and he rubbed it.

"You've been in a coma for a month." He said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"What do you mean who am I? I'm your brother Frank." This man said.

"I don't remember."

"Do you know your name?"

"Yeah my name is Hannah." I said. This Frank guy was creeping me out a little. The guy he called Spencer came in with a doctor in tow.

"Well hello Hannah, we weren't expecting you to wake up." He said.

"Why am I in here?" I asked.

"Well you got into a car accident and you've been in a coma for 2 months," He explained. Wow, I hadn't expected that. "Do you remember anything?"

"Not really."

"What do you know?"

"I know that my name is Hannah and that I was born on October 22, 1987." I said. I really had no idea who anyone was.

"Well it seems that you have severe amnesia." He said. "Besides that I think you are fine and you can go home whenever you like."

"Thank you doctor." The man that said he was my brother said. The doctor walked out after that.

"You don't remember me Hannah." This Spencer guy said.

"No, who are you?" I asked.

"I'm your boyfriend."

"Oh." I said, I didn't know what else to say. His bloodshot eyes showed suck sadness when I said that I didn't remember him.

"Well, do you guys have any clothes that I can wear?" I asked.

"I can go get some." Frank said.

"I'd appriciate that thanks." I said. With that he walked out of the room and I was left with the man that said he was my boyfriend.

"So what else is there to know about my life?" I asked. Spencer came and sat next to my bed.

"Well Frank is a rockstar, he's in a band named My Chemical romance. You have a son named Frank-." I stopped him right there.

"Is he yours?" I asked.

"No, his father is an asshole." He said.

"Ok, go on then."

"Um, we've been dating for about a year now and Frank just got married the day we got into the accident. I think that's about it." He said.

"Oh." I said. I sat up in the uncomfortable hospital bed.

"So you don't remember anything that happened ever in your life?" Spencer questioned.

"No I don't, and I gotta tell you it kinda sucks because I'm just confused," I said. "So do we live together?"

"Well I live with you in your brothers apartment. You live with him and his band." This guy was very nice and I could see me dating him but I don't know. Just then the door opened and Frank came in holding a bundle of clothes. He brought them over to me and I took them getting up and going over to the bathroom that was connected to the room.

I set the clothes down on the sink and got out of the hospital gown. I put on the undergarments and the jeans then there was a t-shirt that said 'Im a wERdO'. I noticed the capital letters spelled IERO. It must be my last name I thought.

Just after doing that I walked back into the room and looked at the two men.

"Are you ready to go?" Frank asked, I nodded. I guess now was the time I would see who I really was.