Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

I Still Love Him

*Hannah's POV*

Not being able to remember your life sucks major monkey balls. The little boy they say is my son is amazingly cute, Spencer is heartbroken and Frank is just umm I don't really know what he is. Frank has just kind of been sitting around and taking care of the small Frank.

"How are you doing?" Big Frank asked me.

"Um fine I guess." I said sitting on the couch with him, he was watching a cartoon on TV with little Frank.

"How is Spencer holding up?" He asked.

"I don't think he's doing to good."

"Yeah he loved you a lot."

"Yeah, I guess he did." I said. My eyes weighed heavy on me but I didn't want to go back to sleep in the fear that I might never wake up. "What time is it?"

"It's about six o'clock." He said.

"Well I think I might as well go to sleep, I'm tired." I said.

"Ok have a good night's sleep." He said. I got up from the couch and walked through the living room into the room where Spencer was sitting on my bed sobbing. He was looking at the picture of us.

"I love you so much Hannah." He said to the picture. " I just want you to remember me."

"Umm sorry to bother you." I said, Spencer looked up.

"Oh it's ok, what do you need?" He asked.

"I just wanted to go to sleep." I said.

"Ok yeah, I'll just go then." He got up and walked out of the room. I walked over to the bed and sat down on it. Pulling the covers back I lay back on the bed and covered up with the blankets. This bed was very comfortable and it smelled good. My eyes closed and within a couple of minutes I was asleep.

The face of a man popped into my mind. His white skin suited him so well, there were two rings through each side of his lip and one ring in the middle of his nose. Green eyes peirced through everything they looked at. Then his face started to disappear.

Then another scene popped into my mind. I was walking toward a bus that said Avenged Sevenfold on the side of it. When I got up to it I knocked and the man that was just in my mind opened the door.

"Hey Hannah." He said.

"Hey Zacky." I said.

I walked in and as soon as I was in there he pulled me into a kiss. We started french kissing and everything got really passionate. Zacky walked backwards and I pushed him onto the couch. He started to lift the bottom of my shirt up, we broke our kiss and he pulled off my shirt with ease. Before our lips crashed again I slid his shirt off and threw it on the floor. We kissed again and he tugged at the button of my jeans, soon he undid them and slid them off my body leaving me in only my bra and underwear.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked.

"Absolutly." I said.

My eyes open and my face was breaking out in a cool sweat. Zacky, I remember Spencer telling me about him, he's the father of my son. From that dream I can tell I was totally in love with him and he was in love with me, so why aren't we together? I need to find him, because I think I still love him.