Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

Getting Ready to Go

I sat and thought for a while about this Zacky guy, his face was breathtaking I don't see how I ever left him, especially since we have a son together. After I was fully awake I walked out of my room and into the living room.

"Morning mommy." The little boy said from the couch.

"Morning sweetie." I said. Then I looked over to see Spencer sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. I walked over to him and sat down across from him.

"Do you know where Zacky is?" I asked.

"Why?" He asked.

"I just need to know where he is."

"I'd imagine he's in Huntington Beach, California." He said.

"But do you know where he lives, I need to see him."

"I might have his adress in my sidekick let me go look." He got up from the table and got a small device that he called a sidekick. He pushed a lot of buttons on it then looked back up at me.

"I have his adress." He said.

"When can we go?" I asked.

"Um I guess any time you want." He said.

"Ok then we'll go to the airport and get the first available flight."

"Alright. " He said. His eyes looked so sad all the time, he was so depressed and I knew it was because I don't remember him. "Is there a reason you want to go see him?"

"Well I had a dream about him last night and in my dream I said I loved him, so if I go see him maybe it's the key I need to unlock my memory." When I said that is when he perked up.

"If you get your memory back you know how happy I'll be?" He said grinning from ear to ear.

"I think I have an idea." I said. "Do you think you can go check for the next available flight for me please?"

"Yeah." He pushed some more buttons on his sidekick. "The next flight to Los Angeles is in three hours, do you want tickets?"

"Yes please." Then he pushed even more buttons.

"Ok we're in."

"You did that all on that little thing?" I asked.

"Yeah we just have to go pick up our tickets at the airport." He said.

"Well I'll get little Frank ready ok, can you pack me like a couple days worth of clothes?" I asked him.


"Come on little one." I said to Frank, he got off the couch and followed me into his room. On the wall there were like big blocks that spelled his name and the walls were blue. I packed a bag I'd found with a couple nights worth of clothes then Frank packed a bag with toys in it.

"How old are you?" I asked him.

"I'm four." He said.

"Do you know how old I am?"

"Your twenty." I gotta say he was pretty smart for a four year old.

After only thrity minutes everyone was ready and we left the apartments. It took us forty minute to get to the airport then and hour to get through security and get our tickets. Then we had to wait for the plane that would take us to the man I used to love.