Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

The Final Vow

"We're getting married." I said.

"What?" Spencer looked confused.


"No I heard you it's just I thought you didn't even remember being with me." He said.

"I didn't but I had a dream about us last night and I hate seeing you sad. I figured if we did this you'd be happy and I could possibly be happy as well." I explained.

"But I don't know if I can let you do this without knowing you love me back."

"What I know is that from what you've said and my dream that I used to love you quite a lot, in my dream we even talked about getting our own place. If I was that in love with you once I can definatly be in love with you again."

"Are you sure? I don't want to screw up your life."

"This wouldn't be screwing it up, it'd be making it better." A small smile appeared on his flawless face.

"As long as you want it I want it."

"I want it."

"Well then, let's go get married."

We all got out of the car and walked into the small chapel. There was a man standing by the door waiting to greet us.

"Hello welcome to the Chapel of Love I'm guessing you would like to get married today." He said.

"Yes we would." I said lacing my fingers with Spencer's.

"Ok come with me."

The man made us sign some paper then he took us to another man dressed as a preacher. He had the bible in his hands and a smile on his face. They put a vail on me and it made me laugh. The man that greeted us gave Frank some flowers and made him stand right by me, it made him feel special.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here to wed Spencer and Hannah together as one. Since this is not a traditional wedding we don't take up your time with all the other speeches. Let's get to the vows. do you guys know what your going to say?" He said.

"Yes I'd like to go first," I said. Spencer smiled as we looked into each others eyes, I never noticed how pretty his eyes were. "Spencer before I had amnesia, I know one thing and that thing is that I loved you with my whole heart. You've told me that and I had a dream about it last night. Even though I can't remember the times we've had together I know that there is still part of me that loves you. So I hope you can do me the honor of being my husband. Do you take my vow?"

"I do," He paused. "My vow to you is that I will love you until the day I die, no matter what happens in the future. If you decide you don't love me back you can believe that I will still be loving you. Now I know that sounds cliche but nothing about this is cliche. Something else I do believe in is the Fall out boy lyrics I heard not to long ago and they were 'Long Live the Car Crash Hearts'. Even though that's not specifically about us, it still is. Do you also take my vow?"

"I do." I said.

"Do you have rings?" The pastor asked.

"No we don't this is kind of a last minute thing." Spencer said.

"Well then I guess I now prnounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride." He said. Spencer slowly leaned and planted the softest peck on my lips, then pulled away.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Smith."

Now that I think about it I do agree with what Spencer said about those fall out boy lyrics. They do really relate to us, we are the true meaning of car crash hearts. So I guess what I'm really meaning to say is, Long Live the Car Crash Hearts.

The End