Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

Telling Zacky

Now came the grueling task of telling Zacky that we were having a child. I would deal with Frank later. I got off of the floor and got my hoodie and put it on. I walked off the bus and walked slowly to Avenged Sevenfolds bus. Today was the last day of tour so I don't know how we're going to both take care of this kid. I knocked on the bus door and Zacky came smiling. His smile faded seeing me crying.

"Hannah whats wrong." He asked pulling me in the bus.

"We need to talk Zacky." We sat down on the front couch. "Zacky remember that night when we you know."

"Yeah." He said smiling.

"Well I'm pregnant." I said nervous of what he would say.

"Your what?"

"We're going to have a baby Zacky." He looked at me dumbfounded. "I understand if you don't want it but I am keeping it."

"Hannah I can't be there and physically be there and take care of it but I will pay you child support and stuff like that ok."

"Okay I can live with that."

"And every now and then will you please call and tell me how he or she is. Or you can write a letter."

"Ok I will but right now I have to go deal with Frank." I said seeing as when I looked out the window I saw him go back in the bus.

"Yeah please don't let him kill me."

"Bye Zacky." I said getting up. He got up too and hugged me. I got off the bus and walked back to MCRs bus. I opened the door and got on the bus. I walked nervously back to the bunks and to Franks bunk.

"Frankie." I whispered. I heard muffled sobs. I opened up his curtain to see him sobbing into his knees. "We need to talk." He looked up

"Yeah we do."