Status: NTBC Never To Be Completed.

Chasing Sky Thieves


The soft light of the sunset made the city look almost dreamy. Minimal noise kept the people happy and made it seem safe. The high rise buildings towered over the streets that criss-crossed Sydney. It was peaceful enough, but some didn’t like the calmness of the streets. It was too quiet, and the lights reached every part of the city, but they had their doubts, and they had every right.
Beneath all of this, a group of young people had banded together, calling themselves Sky Thieves. The city was too perfect, too simple and too quiet. It was their duty or job as they call it, to make the city more exciting, more adventurous, even if it meant for them to be hunted by the police and military. Each had a particular part to play in the City’s reconstruction, hoping to get back what they had taken from them.
The rooftops became a play ground for an In-Training Sky Thief. Different rooves had challenging ways to get about. Somewhere tiled, some tin, others were constantly wet and some were damaged that you had to be quick or fall to your death. Some had succumbed to the harsh methods, leaving the Training for the simpler life. Others knew it was their only chance at freedom. But for one, it was redemption for doing something wrong.
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Not much to say, but I hope this will be a good story for you all to enjoy~