Status: Active

Slytherin's Mistake

Childish Antics

I sighed, resting my chin on my knees. I sat on the powder white sand of the beach, staring off into the waves. I didn't want to leave... It was our last day here, and I just couldn't get excited about leaving all of this behind. The week we had spent here was nothing less than wonderful. We swam, did the tourist thing and looked around town, went adventuring around the beaches, and spent a lot of time in bed.

The wind was whipping around my shirt, while the sun warmed the top of my head, the back of my neck, back, legs, arms and feet. I laid down and soaked in the sun on my face. I would miss all of this. The weather in England wasn't tropical in the least bit, and it would soon be cold. Not that I didn't like the cold. I just needed a change. Hot until I couldn't stand it was when the cold was welcomed.

I stayed like that for a long time, with the bright light behind my closed eyes, and the soothing ocean in the background. I was slowly drifting off and I knew I was going to fall asleep if I didn't move. Groggily, I sat up and looked around. My bikini was coated in sand, and I brushed it away with a slight frown. Everything seemed darker, and in a weird tint. I shook my head, and pulled off my shirt, tossing it to the ground. I stood and stepped out of my blue jean shorts and made my way for the water.

It was cool and refreshing. I let out a sigh of happiness as I waded in further. Normally I would have worried about things to step on, but I had learned the first day that there wasn't anything to fear. I took a deep breath, and plunged underneath making sure to keep my eyes closed. Salt water in my eyes was not a path I wanted to take.

Suddenly, I felt arms grab at my waist, and I gasped, causing me to choke on the salt water. I jerked myself out of the water, coughing and sputtering water. When I opened my eyes, Draco was smirking at me, but with a slight unease.

"Did you WANT me to choke and drown?!" I snapped, stomping back to the beach.

"Myra, calm down. I just wanted to surprise you."

I let out a snort of agitation and threw myself down on the sand, crossing my arms tightly.

Draco sat down beside me, and sighed. "Myra, I didn't mean to."

I sighed as well. "I know. You just kinda scared me half to death."

He smirked. "Remember back in third year when we were vanishing the boggarts?"

I groaned, half chuckling. "Don't remind me."

"Didn't you run out of the classroom?" His smirk grew more pronounced.

"Bloody stupid muggle movie." I grumbled.

He laughed loudly. "What was the name of it again? E.S, or something?"

"E.T," I snapped. "Extra terrestrial."

"You know there isn't-"

"Yes, I bloody know that! I can't help it if it scared me, alright?!" I snapped again.

For a moment there was a pause, before we both started laughing. I shook my head and moved over to where I was sitting in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me, and we both stared off at the ocean. Leaning my head on his shoulder, I frowned slightly.

"Do we have to leave?" I asked, sounding like a small child.

"Unless you want to skip our seventh year. I'm not that opposed, honestly." he said. I sighed and he kissed the top of my head. "We do have to leave. But, we can make the most of it, or sit around moping."

"True." I admitted.

"More swimming?" he asked.

"Actually, there's something I have always wanted ot do." I muttered slyly, turning to face him.

He raised an eyebrow. "Really?"


"Do tell."

"I'd rather show you..."


I ran back and forth in the garden with my camera, taking pictures of anything and everything. Draco had gotten it delivered here because I wouldn't stop saying how I wanted to take pictures. The sunlight through the trees- click. The pink flowers- click. Draco watching me- click. I smiled excitedly at him, and he smiled, shaking his head.

"You're so childish, sometimes." he told me, sitting down on the bench.

"Rather to be childish than an old maid." I replied, taking a picture of him.

"Touche, dear."

It was nearly seven o'clock, and I was slowly losing the light. I sat down beside him.

"I wonder how the pictures will turn out." I mused.

"Fine, I'm sure."

"So, what time are we going to get up to get back to get our trunks and the animals?" I asked.

"Probably around 8." he answered. I made a face at him, and he laughed. "It'll be fine. You have to get used to getting up early, anyways."

"I suppose..." I frowned.

Draco kissed the top of my head. "Oh hush. You act like it's the end of the world to get up at a decent hour."

I merely scowled. "You act like it's the end of the world if you don't get your way."

"It would be the end of the world, because I DO always get my way." he smirked.

"Hah. We'll see how your Christmas presents turn out then."

His smirk dissapeared. "That isn't fair, Myra."

"Life isn't fair."

"Oh, shut up."

"You can't order me around!"

"Silencio. OW!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmmm. Another filler. Sorry kiddos!
But, you do get to see more of Myra's personality and styleeeee. :D