Status: Active

Slytherin's Mistake

Broken Glass and Mud

If I had even had an inkling my day would go like this when I woke up, I would have gone back to bed. Curled up with Razz under the covers and slept. But, no.

"Hello Professor Flitwick," I beamed greeting him outside the classroom, as other students streamed by me to get into class. Flitwick and I had always gotten along extremely well.

"Hello to you, Ms. Birnbaum," he squeaked, smiling. "Just take a seat in the third row, and we'll begin shortly. Quite an agenda this year, you know. Your N.E.W.Ts! My goodness, you all grow up so fast."

"It doesn't seem that way." I said cheerfully before walking in the classroom, sitting beside Draco. He shook his head a condescending smirk on his face. "What?"

"You're such a suck up sometimes." he said.

"I am not! Mr. Flitwick is one of my favorites!" I defended earnestly.

"So is Professor McGonagall, and that oa- Hagrid." he raised his eyebrows at me.

"My three favorite subjects and my three favorite teachers." I replied.

"Professor's pet." he muttered.

"I'd rather be Professor's pet than be in detention half the time." I retorted, giving him a knowing look. "And like you have room to talk about Professor's pet! Snape?"

"Snape just recognizing talent, is all." Draco smirked.

I snorted. "Right. Well, I must be exponentially more talented than you then."

Before Draco could reply, Professor Flitwick tapped his wand on the top of the desk. I looked up immediately, while he did so more reluctantly.

"Good morning, and good day back. Let me call the roll: Birnbaum, Myra?"


"Bulstrode, Millicent?"


"Crabbe, Vincent?"


"Goyle, Gregory?"


"Greengrass, Daphne?"


"Malfoy, Draco."


I shot him a look, while the rest of the class sniggered. Flitwick seemed not to notice.

"Nott, Theodore?"


"Parkinson, Pansy?"


"Zabini, Blaise."


"Well, if that's everyone, I'd like to begin-"

The door opened dramatically, and Desiree appeared, a smirk on her face, which she quickly turned into a smile. I sneered at her.

"I am sorry, Professsor Flitwick. I am not accustomed to life 'ere at 'Ogwarts." she said, widening her eyes innocently. Like hell. She knew what time the class started. She and her bloody stupid ego wanted to make a grand entrance. I gritted my teeth angrily.

He nodded, looking slightly quizzical. "And you are, my dear?"

"Desiree Prince." she might as well declared it with trumpets at the arrogant way she said it, tossing her hair back, her hand on her hip.

"Alright then, you may sit beside Mr. Malfoy."

Oh bloody fucking hell.

She threw me a sarcastic smile as she sauntered over to the desk, brushing her fingers along Draco's desk. My hand gripped the desk so tightly my skin had turned white. Draco looked over at me and my hand, and got an alarmed look on his face. He lightly unlathced my hand and held it lightly, giving me a small smile. He nodded as if to say, 'It's fine. I can handle her'. I gave him a half smile back, before sighing and facing toward Flitwick.

"As I was saying before, I would like to begin with a reminder of the fact your N.E.W.Ts are coming up this year- Yes, Ms. Prince?"

She looked so damn smug. "In Beauxbatons, we took our exams last year."

"Oh, well, goodness. I suppose... I suppose you will just have to re-take them." he said, shrugging.

I could barely keep the grin off my face as I watched her gasp in horror. "But, Meester Flitwick...!"

"That is Professor Flitwick, Ms. Prince. Now, as I was saying.. Your N.E.W.Ts are coming this year and you need to start preparing now. They aren't called Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test for nothing. We are going to move onto Protean Charms and even Patronus Charms, if you all behave. But before that, I would like to refresh with some familiar spells from last year..."

Sure enough, I didn't get to pair with Draco like I usually did. Desiree insisted she needed help with the simple Aguamenti Charm. I had rolled my eyes when she said this, but kept my mouth shut.

"Locomotor book." I said sourly, and it gave a flop. I ignored Blaise's smirk, and I tried once more. "Locomotor book!"

It moved along with my wand, and I swished it in Desiree's direction. It hit her with a loud thump, and Blaise and I snickered as she turned to look who did it. Her eyes narrowed on me, but I had already turned around.

"Locomotor quill." Blaise drawled, and he flicked his wand at Crabbe. I bit my lip to stifle the giggle that escaped as Crabbe snarled at Goyle.

A grin spread across my face. "Locomotor BLAISE."

My wand slashed through the air toward Desiree and they crashed together in a loud smash of yells, and the desks clattering. The class laughed as Professor Flitwick rearranged the desks.

"I'm sorry, Professor. I wanted to see if you could move an animal or human..." I explained.

"That's quite all right, Ms. Birnbaum. Just watch where you direct your wand next time. 5 points to Slytherin for curiousity about charm work." he said as he resumed his position on top of the standard 5 books in front of his podium.

If looks could kill, ooooh, she'd have had me. Blaise looked pretty irritated as well. "Did you really have to throw me across the room?"

I shrugged innocently, conjuring a wine glass. "Aguamenti."

Vaguely, I heard Desiree giggle and I looked over at her and nearly dropped the wine glass. Draco had his hand on hers directing her her wand.

"Aguamenti." she said, before giving him a large smile. "Thankyou, Draco. I couldn't have done that without you."

She leaned in and kissed his cheek.


I let out a slight scream of pain as the the shards of glass dug into my skin, water swirling with the blood leaving a morbid looking mess on the floor. Desiree let out a vindictive cackle, while Draco and Professor Flitwick rushed over.

"Oh dear, you need the Hospital Wing. Mr. Malfoy, please ascort her." he said, interrupting my attempts to ask him why he couldn't do it. He looked extremely pale. Don't faint, I thought slightly sarcastically as I tried not to cry.

Draco grabbed our bags and wands stowing them away, before putting his arm gently around my shoulder. My teeth remained gritted together, and I thought they might end up stuck that way.

"Why did you break that wine glass?" he asked, slightly incredilous and angry.

I glared up at him. "I don't think I DECIDED, Draco. It was my first reaction to you and Desiree cozied up over there."

He sighed, sounding slightly impatient. "I was helping her."

"Helping would be demonstrating, not your hand on hers." I snapped back.

"I can't help it if she kissed my cheek, alright Myra?! I'm sorry you're jealous-"

"Jealous?!" my eyebrows rose up into my hairline. "Of her? PLEASE. That slag is so beyond disusting it isn't even funny."

He clenched his jaw and rolled his eyes. "FINE, Myra. Don't admit it. You wouldn't act like that if I helped out any other Slytherin girl, and you know it."

My lips were pursed together tightly, and my hand throbbed with every beat of my heart, it seemed. God. It had it's own pulse.

We arrived at the Hospital Wing in stony silence, and Madam Pomfrey sighed when she saw me.

"Why is it always you and him?" she asked, shaking her head as she directed me towards a bed to sit on.

"Because he always causes it." I grumbled and Draco shot me a look.

"I believe the exact wording you said was what? Oh yes. 'I don't think I DECIDED.'" he argued, leaning against the wall, crossing his arms.

"WhatEVER, Draco." I answered coolly, turning my head away. He gave a huff and rolled his eyes. She came and waved her wand over the many cuts and the glass flew out. She poured a few drops of dittany on it, and I hissed as it stung.

"There. That should fix it. You will have some scarring, though." she said briskly. I nodded and mutter my thanks as I took my bag from Draco and started out. I heard his footsteps echo mine and he had soon caught up with me. I looked at my hand and white lines, even whiter than my pale self, skittered across my right hand.

"Worried over your precious skin?" he asked tauntingly.

"No, but you might need to worry over yours if you don't shut it." I threatened, walking faster. He easily kept stride with me, and the bell rang. I cursed. "Great. Now I missed the end of class and now I don't know what homework we have."

"Just a review, Myra. He always tells us to go over charms in class we need to work on." he drawled.

I huffed angrily. "You don't know that."

"As much as I know how much of a pain you're being."

I looked up at him in slight shock, and I saw him wince at my face. "Myra-"

"I'm going to Herbology now." I shouted, moving faster.

"But we have the same- MYRA!"

I blinked back tears. He was such an arse.


Herbology hadn't gone much better than the end of Charms. I had a certain disdain for the subject even though I did well at it when I tried. I got partnered with Padma Patil, and Lisa Turpin and that was okay. They were alright girls, quiet but very likeable. The only problem was they were about as good at Herbology as a dragon.

"No, don't go that way!" I yelled, as the vines of the snargaluff stump ensnared her. "Diffindo!"

They immediately were severed, and I jumped forward to tie them together. "Now!"

Padma grabbed the pod and made a face. "Eurgh. I have to stab this and WORMS come out?"

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling. "No. Tubers. Please just do it, or I will."

She hesistated, so I snatched it from her and put it in the bowl and grabbed a small spade and stabbed it. I couldn't resist a slight gagging noise as the wriggling, slimy tubers came out.

"Good job you three! Now get the next one!" Mrs. Sprout shouted. I groaned and readjusted my goggles, before plunging back in.

When the class was over, I had a scratch on my cheek and I was in an even worse mood. It had begun to rain slightly, and I strode quickly out of there.

I saw it coming right before, but I couldn't stop it. My feet flew out from under me and I landed in a loud splat, showering myself and anyone near me in mud.

"Ugh. Birnbaum we already know you're a pig, you don't have to show it off." Desiree cackled with the rest of the Slytherins while Padma helped me up.

"Thankyou." I whispered, tears in my eyes before I took off running for the castle. I entered through the Great Hall, sobbing and wiping the mud out of my eyes.

"MUD IN THE CASTLE! YOU'RE RUINING THE FLOORS! Do you KNOW how long that will take me? Where are you going?! GET BACK HERE!" Flich bellowed.

I hurtled through students my only objective to get to the Common Room.


A few sixth years were littered around, but I took off down the hallway for my room before anyone could comment.

"Alohomora!" I threw myself into my room and looked at myself in my vanity. "Tergeo."

I repeated the spell until all the mud was off of me, and I was just left swollen eyed and red faced. My eyes were the usual aquamarine they turned when I cried. I heaved myself onto my bed and curled up with Razz. Thank Merlin for no classes until after lunch.

So, now I'm still under my sheets with the door locked so that Alohomora can't open it, because I know soon Draco will come knocking. But, I don't feel like it. My alarm is set, and I'll wake up for lunch. Maybe then things will be better.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ehhh, it fits my mood. *shrugs apathetically* Though I had been planning this chapter for a couple days, now. Oh well.

Comments and Subscriptions are welcome. *smiles*