Status: Active

Slytherin's Mistake

Walkings Downfalls; Revised

You would think with Hermione's normal obsessive relationship with the library, she would go more often, like she normally does.


I could not catch Ron and Harry away from her, to talk with them about her birthday, which I suspected she knew I was trying to do. I was up early on a Sunday morning, and she was still here, even though it was her normal ritual to go over her text books. It was frustrating. I only had eleven days to work out what we were all going to do, and what to get her from Hogsmeade. It was routine,and routine again to be sneaky. I always remembered, and they always forgot.


I glanced over at Draco. "Hmm?"

He sighed. "I was just talking to you."

"It's not really talking if it's a one sided conversation." I replied, sipping my pumpkin juice.

"Smart arse." he grumbled.

"Why you love me." I countered.

"True." he smirked.

"Now, Mr. Malfoy, what were you so desperate to tell me?"

"I was telling you about the assignment due in Snape's. It's due tomorrow, you know."

Grimacing, I stabbed at my eggs with venom. "Damn essay."

"Have you even worked on it?" he asked with amusement.

"Ehhh... here and there." I said vaguely.

"In other words, no." he chuckled.

"I'm a writer. Essays are easy... I simply abhore that he gave us two feet of parchment over 'The History of the Dark Arts and the Defense of Them'. It's DADA! Not a History of Magic!"

Draco's smirk increased. "You haven't done that either, have you?"

"No!" I exclaimed. "I am too busy... with... erm..."

"You are the hugest procrastinator I have ever met." he stated.

"Better Slytherin than Ravenclaw." I grumbled.

"I don't see Slytherins daydreaming like you do." Draco pointed out, giving me a knowing look.

"I wasn't daydreaming. I was trying to plan out Hermione's birthday." I defended, pouting slightly. "Someone has to be thoughtful."

He shook his head. "I don't see how you remember everyone's birthdays."

"Easily, June fifth is yours, Hermione's is September nineteenth, Harry's is July thirty first, Ron's is March first, Fred and George's is April first, and your mother's is February twenty 24th." I recited, glaring at him on the last birthday. "I could go on, you know."

"Don't." he said darkly.

I smiled. "When is my birthday, darling?"

"Twenty eighth of December." he said calmly.

"Correct." I said, kissing his cheek, being careful of his recent injuries.

He smiled at me, brightening up his face. "Do I get a real kiss?"

"Maybe. Maybe more if you help me on my essay." I said, my voice raising brightly.

He glared at me. "That's so unfair."

"Is not!"

"You're bribing me! With something you want just as badly! Unfair!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said, standing up.

"Cruel and unusual punishment." he grumbled, following.


Disillusionment charms are a piece of cake, I though smugly, following Harry, Ron, and Hermione into the Gryffindor common room. I hadn't heard the password, and I was proud of how considerate I was. The only reason I was sinking to following them to their common room was because I knew Hermione was not going to let them out of her sight, unless she thought she was safe.

I liked their common room. It was warm, friendly, cozy; everything the Slytherin common room wasn't. Though I knew I had certain qualities that defined me as a Slytherin, I knew I would have done just as well in Gryffindor. I was happy with Slytherin, because I wouldn't have ever been mates with Draco otherwise.

Hermione plopped into a chair by the fire, and Ron sat on the arm rest, as she began digging her books and papers out. I settled against the fireplace, my back against the stone. Harry sat on the couch, a slight scowl on his face.

"A weeks detention," he grumbled. "I had to completely set back the quidditch tryouts, I'm behind on my essays, and everything else."

"We know, mate, but you really shouldn't have picked a fight." Ron said, shrugging.

Harry's scowl deepened. "He didn't even try to go help her when she almost fell! What if she had fallen?"

Hermione didn't even bother to look up. "Then he would have used either 'Levicorpus' or 'Wingardium Leviosa' or he would have gotten on his broom to catch her."

"Why are you always on his side?" Harry asked exasperated.

"I'm not," she said, sounding as if they had had this arguement a thousand times. "But he's good to Myra, and until he proves otherwise, you need to stop."

I nodded firmly, even though they couldn't see me. Harry fell silent, and the only sounds in the common room were of Hermione's scratching quill, the fire, and the distant sounds of the other Gryffindors. It was atleast nine thirty, by now. I wondered if Draco was in his bed yet, or not. I hadn't told him where I was going, only that I'd be back in his room tonight. I smiled, thinking of how I'd wake him up with a kiss...

"What did you and Myra talk about yesterday, Hermione?" Ron asked.

"Oh, she just asked about what happened while she was unconscious, and Cinderella." Hermione said, smiling slightly.

"Cinderella? Is that a disease?" Ron inquired, a disgusted look on his face.

She rolled her eyes. "It's a fairy tale."

"...Weird." Ron concluded, with a shake of his head.

I had to hold back a snort. He was so sheltered, compared to me, and we were both pure blood. Just goes to show you what your upbringing could do.

"I always liked Rapunzel, myself." she said, crossing out something on her paper.

He perked up. "That sounds masculine enough."

Harry burst out laughing. "Nothing more so."

Stifling her laughter, Hermione patted his arm. "Rapunzel it is, then."

Ron's chest puffed out, and I couldn't help but giggle, before I realized. Harry, Ron and Hermione all froze, and stared at the spot where I was.

"What the-" Hermione said, her eyes narrowing.

I waved my wand over by the girls staircases, and a replica of my laugh was sent over there. They visibly relaxed, and I let out a silent, but heavy sigh of relief. Thankyou, Mr. Flitwick, I thought, wishing him loads of helpful students next year.

"Well, I guess I'm off to bed. I have to go to the library before breakfast." Hermione said, gathering up her things.

"Why? Can't you go later on?" Harry asked.

Her cheeks brightened, and a sly smile crept across her face. "I'm spending my time with you guys as much as possible."

And with that, she left.

Harry turned to Ron. "Mate, I think you've got her hooked. She's even changed her routine."

I tapped the top of my head with my wand, after making sure no one else was paying attention. "No, she's just trying to keep me away from you two."

They gaped at me. "Myra!"

"Keep it down!" I hissed, looking around. "A Slytherin isn't exactly welcome in Gryffindor tower."

"Oh please," Ron scoffed. "You might as well be one, since you're friends with everyone in here."

"Not everyone. Quite a few look down on me, you know." I corrected. "But, anyway. Hermione's birthday is coming up."

"It is?" Harry asked, looking confused.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. "Yes. A birthday doesn't change, you know. It's been the same month and day for the past seven years."

"Errr, what day is that?" Ron asked.

"The nineteenth! No wonder you two failed A History of Magic..." I grumbled.

"I passed out during that exam, as you very well know." Harry retorted.

"And you had all the answers filled out?" I asked, my tone sweet.

"Well, no..."

"Exactly. Now. Ron. You and Hermione are together now, so you have to get her something special." I said, speaking carefully and calmly.

"Special?" his voice hitched a few octaves. "Like what?"

"Oh, just a necklace or something," I paused, thinking. "Or maybe a bracelet. Her favorite color is indigo, so... a sapphire stone in a necklace should do the trick. Here, hand me that parchment." Ron handed it to me, and I concentrated hard, moving my wand across the parchment where a silver chain appeared with a small sapphire stone hanging from it. "Ron, you're going to go with Harry. Find something VERY similiar to that, understand?"

"Yes." Ron said, looking a bit pale.

"Come off it," I laughed. "It's not that hard."

"Easy for you to say. You've already got a rock on your hand." he grumbled.

I ignored him and turned to Harry. "Sugar quills, and real with a nice feather. Besides that.... I think we're done. All settled then. I must be going. Draco's expecting me." I said, about to tap my wand to my head.

"Wait! Can't you stay a bit longer?" Harry asked, looking hopeful.

I frowned a bit. "Sorry, Harry. I need to get going. Maybe some other time, though."

"Well, atleast let me walk you back." he said, sounding a bit more forceful than usual.

"O-okay. I won't have to disillusion myself again." I said, shrugging.

While I stood up, Ron and Harry were exchanging a glance I was sure I wasn't supposed to see. I looked away quickly, my heart beating slightly faster.

"Ready, Harry?"

"Yeah." he said, pulling his invisibility cloak out of his bag. He threw it over me, after checking to make sure no one was watching, and then ducked under it as well.

"Night Ron." I whispered.

"Night." he replied, looking oddly solemn.

We began to leave the common room, stepping out of the portrait hole carefully. It was way past curfew, and if either of us were caught, it would be very bad.

Harry was pressed unusually close to me, and I tried to put as much distance between us as possible, without making it conspicious. He didn't seem to notice, but only got closer. I tried to ignore it, and succeeded for the most part.

"So, did you do Snape's essay?" Harry whispered.

"No. You?"

"Nope." I could hear the grin in his voice.

"Of course not. Harry Potter the ultimate rebel."

"Right you are." he said, with a slight laugh. "Accompanied by Myra Birnbaum the Slytherin Mistake."

I paused before answering, with my voice quieter. "Right you are."

As we made our way down the staircase, my feet began to get in front of each other. I stumbled for a ways, before Harry steadied me.

"Careful, Myra." he warned softly.

I nodded. We continued on, and stopped dead in our tracks, on the bottom of a series of staircases.


My eyes felt like they were about to pop out of their sockets. He gripped my hand tightly, and we started to tip toe down. Snape was pacing back and forth slowly, monitoring the corridor we were coming to. My heartbeat was racing in my ears, and my palms began to sweat.

Almost to the bottom, I thought joyfully. I hurried forward, and realized my mistake when I stepped on the cloak. Harry and I lurched forward, the cloak wrenched off of us, and tumbled to the floor.
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Comments and Subscriptions are MUCH welcomed.

Please? Por favor? With extra sugar, whipped cream, and hot fudge on top?

***Sorry if you have read this before, I'm revising it. *shrugs*