Status: Active

Slytherin's Mistake


"Myrie! Look at this!" Draco crowed, sounding like an excited four year old. Smiling, I followed his voice through the crowd, where he stood at the window of the Quidditch store. On his face, I saw the familiar frenzied look he often got during practice. A new broomstick. It figured. The Firebolt wasn't good enough anymore, I supposed. Extra speed, blah blah blah. I honestly figured it was a waste of money. But, Draco being Draco, had to out do Harry on everything, so he bought the broom. His gleeful smirk made me shake my head, laughing.

Diagon Alley was busy with Hogwarts students. We had already seen Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle loitering around Knockturn Alley. That wasn't much of a pleasant experience, for me, though, when had it ever been? Pansy had always hated my closeness with Draco, and had given me such a look when Draco had wrapped his arm around me, that Blaise had snickered. He was another problem. The two months we had been together were, well, mostly physical. We hadn't ever done anything too serious, but it still bothered me, because Blaise might try to make Draco jealous. The dumb duo, as I called them in private, had always annoyed me. Knowing as I did that Draco only kept them around for bodyguards, I kept my mouth shut, otherwise I would have told them off long ago.

I hated this, but Draco deemed it neccessary to put on his "mask" around them. The arrogant, rude Draco that everyone knew at school. Trying to explain to Hermione that he wasn't like this with me was quite difficult.

After 20 minutes of awkwardness, we left them in Knockturn Alley. I had complained to him about it.

"Did we really have to stay that long?" I asked sourly. He smirked down at me.

"I thought they were your favorite people."

Bitterly,"Ha ha. Did you see the way Pansy looked at me? One day I'm going to jinx her in the mouth."

"Tut tut, Ms. Birnbaum. Manners, "he teased, before pausing, "I was more focused on the way Blaise was looking at you."

My lips pursed, and I shrugged. "Blaise is Blaise. If he complains, I'll remind him of when I caught him snogging that vile girl in the library."

"Blaise is a prat." he said quickly, looking at me carefully. I know I deserved that look. I had come sobbing to him that night. I spent the night in his room, with my head in his lap, while he tried to soothe me. It wasn't that I cared that much for Blaise. It was that fact that I wasn't good enough.

I nodded, looking around for a distraction. Perfect. "Let's go in there!"

He sighed, and followed reluctantly. The twins shop was huge, and business appeared to be booming. We could hardly make it through, and Draco looked irritated.

"Wait for me outside, alright?" I kissed him swiftly. He nodded, and left. Pulling out my wand, I muttered, "Accio Weasley Twins."

Protests followed soon after, displays were knocked over, people cried out in shock, but they arrived in front of me, looking quite frazzled.

Grins spread across their faces, "What are you doing here?"

I laughed. "Shopping with Draco. I stopped by to say hello."

"Malfoy? You're still hanging out with that thing?" Fred mock frowned.

"We figured you'd come back to choose one of us." George hung his head.

"Oh stop it, you two," I giggled, and looked around the shop. "Business looks great."

"Yes, we knew our dream to make people laugh would turn out splendidly." Fred replied, looking proud.

"Indeed. Are your scream activated products thriving?" I asked severely.

George examined his nails, "Quite. Still sore on that, are you?"

I folded my arms across my chest. "It took me three weeks to figure out how to fix it, and only because there was you two hid a spider in my bed!"

"We figured your hair was better off blonde." Fred said lazily.

For Christmas back in 4th year, they had given me a box of sweets, but when I opened the box, my hair turned red. I was not too pleased. We stood there talking for the longest time, before I remembered....

"Oh damn! I forgot Draco was waiting for me!" I cried.

"And this is a bad thing?" Fred asked as I gave him a quick hug. I smacked him, before hugging George.

"Don't forget to write, and visit!" They called in unison. I waved behind my back, and rushed out of the shop. Draco was sitting on a bench across from the shop, looking extremely irritated.

Running to him, "I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!"

I threw myself into his arms and kissed him. He kissed me back, and I could feel him smiling. Pulling back, he smirked at me.

"I really AM sorry." I muttered, looking up at him apologetically.

He shrugged. "You only left me out here for a bloody hour, with nothing to do, while the Blood Traitor Twins flirted with you."

I gave him a sharp look, but softened it. "We can go anywhere you want?"

And, we had ended up at the Quidditch store.

"MYRA!" Draco shouted, looking down at me confused.

"What?" I asked.

"Where do you want to go?" He rolled his eyes.

I thought about it. "Can we go into the muggle shopping place?"

His eyes widened, and he started to sneer. "Myrie-"

"Please! Please please please? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease-"


I giggled at his face, and kissed him.


"What do you think?" I asked, walking out of the dressing room. Draco's eyes lit up, but he repressed it with a smirk. I didn't normally try on such things, but I figured I might as well entertain him. The red halter top was silky and felt delicious, while the jeans were very dark and tight. I walked over to his chair, and he slid his hands around my waist.

"I think that's... bloody sexy." He paused, looking up at me. A smile spread across my face. I kissed him lightly, before pulling away.

"No pouting, Draco." I called, walking back into the dressing room.

"I wouldn't if you didn't give me something to pout over!"