She Takes Me High

One Shot

She was an actress, and had long chestnut brown hair.
That’s all I knew of her.
But for some reason I couldn’t stop myself from walking past that room where I always see her. The door always said ‘Do Not Enter – Rehearsals In Process’.
All that bars her from me is a piece of wood a few inches thick with a glass window.
Three weeks it had been like this, I would stop a few moments outside the door, trying to look inconspicuous, just to see her smiling, messing around with her friends. It hardly looked like a rehearsal, but who knows, maybe it was part of the play.
On that 22nd day is when it happened; when I knew. The door opened as someone rushed in, late. And she was sat in that same chair, laughing at something or other. The sound of that laugh was infectious, it had me smiling along even though I had no idea what it was at.
When I heard that laugh, I knew I had to meet her, or at least try. So I hung around. Sounds stalkerish I know, but I couldn’t help it, going any longer without talking to her might drive me crazy. It didn’t take long, twenty minutes perhaps. It must have been a lunch break.
Suddenly I had no idea what I was doing, what the hell was I meant to say? Hi, I’m Travis, I’ve been watching you through this window for three weeks? That was certain to scare her off.
But it was too late to bolt now, they were all coming out. I bit at my lip ring, messed with my hair, extremely nervous to see her walk out the door and away from me.
My stomach flipped as my eyes found her, walking out of the room backwards talking to someone still in the room. As she turned around, her eyes found mine; and she smiled.
She started walking towards me, making my heart skip a beat. What was going on? Wasn’t it meant to be me going up to her?
“Hey.” She said softly.
“H-hi.” Since when did I stutter? Crap.
“I’m Faye.”
“I noticed you. On that first day. Every day I hoped you would pass by again. That’s why I always sit in the chair closest to the door.”
Her boldness astounded me. She was so upfront and carefree. It made me want to know everything about her.
“I walk past just so that I can see you.” I admitted.
“Do you wanna get lunch?” I can’t believe this girl was so brave, just asking straight out.
“I’d love to.” I smiled.
That first day was amazing, exciting, incredible and every other synonym of those words. I couldn’t get enough of her. And it seemed that she felt the same.
Drew, Hunter and Danny loved her too, they instantly welcomed her to the group.
We had the most wonderful year together. And through that year she became more noticed in the acting world. And that takes us up to where we are now. At the premiere. The premiere of her first movie, I couldn’t have been more proud.
There we were on the red carpet, reporters shouting for the both of us, getting both our stories, asking what the future held for us. Of course we kept it simple and diplomatic, there was no need for the tabloids to know all the details of our private life.
The only other people who knew what the future held for Faye and I were Faye and I. Well, and the guys.
But even the guys didn’t know my plan. The one I had been working on since we heard about Faye getting the part in this Hollywood blockbuster.
I was too lucky. I was playing my music as a living with my best friends and I had the most amazing girlfriend anyone could ask her. As I looked down at Faye in her gorgeous blue dress I smiled, and wrapped my hand around the small velvet box in my jacket pocket. The one that held the engagement ring for my future fiancé.