Liquid Confidence

One Shot

Have you ever been the person who, in a group of friends, is sat right at the end of the sofa? And the person next to you is talking to the person next to them with their back to you? Never fun, right?
Well this was the situation I had found myself in. Yet another night at Mook, my friends favourite cocktail bar. We sat around a long table, drinking our Sex on the Beach’s and our Long Island Ice Tea’s, chatting, gossiping and flirting. I sat quietly next to a pair of my close friends, trying to hear what they were talking about so that I might be able to join in. Don’t get me wrong, we’re all very close, it’s just that sometimes they seem even closer without me.
*Other P.O.V.*
I don’t know why the guys decided to come here. What’s the point of cocktails when you’re a guy? But the guys insisted. Said that there were always fit girls here. They said I needed something to get me out of my slump.
I didn’t think I was in a slump. I just needed time to get over my cheating ex-girlfriend. Apparently two months was too long according to Max. His advice was to get back in the game. Dan decided to word it a bit more bluntly, said I needed a shag, and fast.
So I ended up here, at this little cocktail bar. There were only two other groups of people present. One was a group of 4 girls who all looked like they had rubbed their faces in cheese puffs they were that orange. Their hair looked like they had been dragged through a hedge backwards, I honestly don’t get how these girls think they look good, how that can be ‘fashionable’.
Then there was a larger group of twelve. Four guys and eight girls. Some of those girls looked the same as the others, a few were quite fit. And the one sat on the end looked bored and kind of lonely.
*Regular P.O.V.*
Checking my watch again, I was amazed that it was only 11. It seemed like tonight was going to be one of those nights that just dragged on. I looked around, trying to find something that might entertain me for a few minutes when I noticed the group of guys sat around a table having a good time. Except for one. He looked the same way I felt. Then, as if he could feel me looking at him, his eyes suddenly connected with mine. I smiled and blushed; and there were suddenly butterflies in my stomach, he was quite cute, a bit grungy. Definitely my type.
Maybe tonight might get interesting.
*Other P.O.V.*
She was pretty, that much I could tell from the dim lighting. And the way she was looking around, she probably wanted to be here about as much as I did.
“Josh! Hello, earth to Josh.” Matt waved his hand in front of my face.
I quickly snapped out of my daze, looking over at my friend.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“Just wanted to know if you wanted another drink?”
“Nah, I good thanks mate.”
And with that, Matt, Max and Dan went off to the bar, leaving me and Chris to guard the table.
“So who is she?” Chris asked.
“That girl you’ve been staring at? Could it be that someone has finally caught your eye?” He laughed.
“Shut up man.” I laughed with him.
“Holy fuck! A smile!” The teasing continued.
“Yeah, ok.” I just gave him a shove. They were my friends, I knew they meant well.
“Hey guys, Josh has found himself some arse!” Chris announced as everyone else came back laden with drinks.
I was immediately bombarded with banter. Chris had pointed out the girl in the black dress, the one who looked a little left out. They wanted me to go up to her. To be honest, I did want to get to know her.
Luck seemed to be on my side. She picked up her empty glass and motioned to her friends that she was getting another drink, not that they were paying much attention.
*Regular P.O.V.*
I made my way over to the bar to order another Fat Cuban. Sitting on one of the stools I watched my drink being mixed, I loved the way they did it. After a few minutes my cocktail was set in front of me, instead of going straight back to my friends, I sat at the bar, quietly sipping at the smooth drink.
I suddenly felt someone sit on the stool next to me. It was probably just one of my friends getting more drinks in.
“What type of cocktail is that?” I heard a southern British voice ask.
I recognised the voices of all my guy friends, this wasn’t one of them. It could only be from one of the guys that were sat opposite us.
“Fat Cuban.” I said, looking up into a pair of deep blue eyes.
“Is it good?”
“Have a taste.”
“How do I know you haven’t Rohypnol’d it?”
“Cause if I had then I’d be screwed cause I’ve just been drinking it.” I laughed lightly.
“Sounds good enough to me.” The stranger said, having a quick sip of my drink.
“Hmm, that’s good.”
“So, have I persuaded you to get one?”
“Nah, I’m just getting a beer.” He smiled.
“So you basically just wanted some free drink?”
“Well that and it was the only way I could think of striking up a conversation with you.”
I blushed.
“I’m Josh.”
“Alexis. Or just Alex.”
And from there we sat at the bar talking, laughing, there might have been a little bit of flirting as the drinks built up my confidence. My friends hadn’t even noticed I didn’t return. And I was having such a good time talking to Josh that I didn’t even realise a few hours later that they had left. His friends, who had noticed that we were still deep in conversation, had let Josh know that they were heading off to some club.
“Oh shit.”
“What’s up?”
“My friends have gone. Fuck, I’m gunna have to go.”
“Why? I mean, they’ve gone, now it’s not like you’re waiting for anyone is it?”
“This is true. But still, I should probably get going.”
“One more drink. Please?” Oh god, he was doing puppy dog eyes, I think I may have melted slightly.
“One more, then I’ll take you home myself.” He promised.
“OK.” I smiled, only too glad to stay here with him.
Josh kept his word and took me home after one drink. Since it was summer and the night was warm we walked along. Nothing was said, we were surrounded by a comfortable silence. Twenty minutes later, we were outside my apartment.
“Well, this is me.” I said, pointing towards the door.
“Right. Well it was amazing to meet you Alex.”
We hesitated for a moment, not sure of what to do. In the end, I gave him a smile and made my way to my front door.
“Alex, wait!”
I turned around and saw Josh come up to me.
“What is it?” I asked, looking curiously into his eyes.
“This.” He said, and pulled me into a deep, warm, passionate kiss.
He pulled away, resting his forehead against mine, smiling to himself.
“I’ve wanted to do that all evening.”
“Well, good, cause so have I.” I smiled, pulling him into another kiss.
Smiling into the kiss, Josh put his hand into my bag.
“Call me tomorrow. And none of that bullshit about having to wait three days before calling. I want to see you again.”
By now I was beaming. I quickly rifled through my bag to pull out a pen and scrawled my number across his hand.
“Night.” He said, giving me one last soft kiss. Before turning away and walking down the road.
I opened my door and pulled out from my bag the piece of paper with Josh’s number on it. I immediately saved the number into my phone and went to my room. The sooner I went to sleep, the sooner tomorrow would come.
I couldn’t wait for what tomorrow had in store.