Status: DONE :)



They stop mid-movement and hold their breath. They freeze in terror. The door opens and they wait for the sound of recognition that is bound to come.

When it does, they look at each other in sheer terror. One of them whispers ‘Under the bed. Quick!’ as they make a dive for it and the other follows. They are squished, but they are sure they are at last safe. From under the bed they can see almost nothing, but can here what is happening downstairs very well. They hear ‘where are they?’ and then approaching footsteps.

‘Found them.’ Says the voice of an intruder, making them jump. How had they been found so quickly? ‘Look, I can see there feet.’

‘Woopsie!’ cries one of the hiders, while the other begins to giggle.

‘Get out from under there! We’ve got to go, quickly’

They sigh and climb out from under the bed. The play date is over.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm really not sure this worked.

Comments would be most appreciated :)