Status: Still working on it!

Everything Has To Happen To Me..Why?

A Nightmare

"No!!" I shot up from my bed, clutching my heart and looking around my room frantically trying to figure out what was real and what wasn't. The band posters and sketches reassured me that I was at home, still in bed. Glancing at the clock on my nightstant, I realize it was 2:15 in the morning. Why does it keep repeating its self? More importantly, why am I waking up at 2 in the morning continuosly?
I stood up from my bed and walked towards my bathroom. I turned on the light, looking at myself in the the mirror. Black strands of hair were in a tangled mess, and mascara stained my cheeks. Opening the mirror, I looked at the shelves inside, which contained different small objects. My tooth brush, eye liner, black nail polish. But the only thing I was looking at was the medicine bottle sitting on the middle shelf, labled 'Paroxetine'.
My hands reached for it, but I sighed and shut the cabinet, only to jump at the sight of someone behind me. I turned around, my breath catching in my throat.
"Why are you up so early?" She yawned.
"Oh..Angela.. Geez you scared me!" I whispered. She rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes and yawned again. "Why are you up?"
"I just asked you that question. I was up because I heard someone rummiging around in here. Now why are you up?"
I turned around and stared at the drain in my sink. "I couldn't sleep...So I came to get something to drink," I bit my lip, hoping she would catch my bluff.
"You had that dream again..." It was more of a statement then a question. When I didn't respond, she placed her hand on my shoulder, careful not to scare me. "Rosey..." I turned around and huddled into her embrace. How could I ever hide something from her? She's my best friend.. She knows everything about me...

"It was worse this time," I sobbed whileshutting my eyes, trying to erase the remaining images from earlier. Angela shushed me, rubbing my back. It calmed me down, allowing me to finally relax.
"Maybe I should call Dr. Shah.. I think-"
"No," I rubbed my nose and stepped away from her. "I'm fine. I don't need to see him."
Her eyebrows twisted into concern.
"Rose..The nightmares are becoming more worse. Are you taking your medicine?" No, I hate that stuff.

"Yes Angela. Why wouldn't I? It helps me feel better," I smiled weakly. Liar. Before she could speak, I walked passed her and laid back down on my bed. She followed after me, lying by the wall. I sighed deeply and stared at the clock. 2:23. Angela wrapped her arm around my waist, snuggling closer.
"It'll be better..I promise." With those last words, I fell asleep with ease. 'I hope you're right.'