Status: Still working on it!

Everything Has To Happen To Me..Why?

New Guy

"Hey girls!" I looked up from my black sneakers to see Nick leaning against our high school building. He looked really cute today with his My Chemical Romance shirt, skinny jeans, and white converses. His snakebites shined as he walked towards us.
"Hey Nick," Angela greeted him. I gave him a simple nod of acknowledgment before hiding behind my black hair again. Ever since I was eight years old, I always felt self concious around other people. I could feel Nick's eyes settling on me.
"Hey Rose..?" I flinched, a simple reaction.. "Whats wrong?" He asked.
"Nick, don't.." Angie lowered her voice to a whisper, "She had that dream again." Silence filled the empy spaces between us as we walked through the doors. Voices, squeals, sneakes squeaking, and giggling filled my ears, drowning out the sound of my heart pounding in my throat. High school..The biggest threat any teenager like me could careless about.
I opened my blue faded locker that was between Nick and Angie's, and put my grey back-pack in it, then pulled out my sketch-book along with a number2 pencil. Sighing, I stood there...Staring into the blackness in my locker.
"Rosey.." I shoved away her hand and slammed my locker shut.
"Don't. I don't need your sympathy this time.." The words that left my mouth weren't mine..At least they didn't sound like something I would say to her. I turned and walked away, heading into my 1st period art class, taking a seat in the back like always. The bell rang and I laid my head in my arms, avoiding the gaze of Nick who just walked in. Luckily, he always sat in the front.
"Alright class, I hope you had a good weekend because I sure did," Mrs. Hicks smiled, pushing up her glasses. Everyone in the class groaned a no. "Good, now before we start today I'd like to introduce a new student of ours today. Chase, please tell the class a bit about yourself." I shot up at the sound of his name, only to sigh when realizing it wasn't the Chase. This guy had brown hair, blue eyes, and a punkish style.
Yet, he still caught my attention when he spoke. "Well like she said, my name is Chase Godlyn. My family and I have traveled here from California hoping to get me into the books and outta the waves," he smiled, dazzling me for a moment.
"Well Mr. Godlyn I sure hope you like it here. Campbellsville may be a small town, but it is friendly," Mrs. Hicks patted his back encouragingly. "Now, why don't you take a seat..." she clucked her tongue, her eyes roaming the room for a spot. Thats when I ducked my head, hopinh she didn't see me. "Ah, right there next to Miss. Rosalina Jones. Rosalina, please raise your hand." My hand shot up in the hair, and back down within a mili-second before I sat up, opening my sketchbook.
"Hey, I'm Chase. You're Rosalina right?" He sat right next to me on the stool, setting his books down. I turned my head to glare at him, then returned to the board. "No hello? Oh, you must be the shy type huh?" I scoffed at that. "Then why won't you talk to me? Do you not like me?" His questions turned into pleas.
I finally gave up and set my pencil down, turning in my seat to face him. He smiled and held out his hand, I shook it. "My name is Rose."
"But the teacher said it was-"
"It's Rose. Just Rose." I interrupted, turning back around. Today we were sketching real human models and I didn't want some new guy to interrupt me..