Sequel: Dreamworld
Status: Completed Check out Dreamworld


Press Conferences

After calming me down we had to head to the place the press conference was being held at. We all piled into the cars and drove the short while to the studio.

Everything was set up there. There was camera's 5 mics on a long table, a computer that was one for Ustream and all the other live broadcasting sites. I walked to the table and took spot next to Zacky and Brian went next to me and then Matt and Johnny took the remaining seats. Brian was in the middle.

It was time to start the press conference and I tried to keep it together. If it weren't for me seeing Jimmy standing in the corner I probably would have broke down and cry.

"Hey, we are Avenged Sevenfold with Stacie Iero to announce some very sad news" Matt said, he took a deep breath and continued.
"We are here to inform you that our best friend, brother and drummer James Owen Sullivan also known as Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan passed away yesterday" Matt said wiping away the tears that were threatening to fall.
"We don't know how he died we just found him in his room" Brian said. I put my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on mine.
"We are glad we have so much support from all our friends and family that we need and we will surely love to know all of you fans are here to support us too" Zacky said. They all looked at me as if to say something.

"He will foREVer be in our hearts" I said pronouncing the REV in forever more, "love you Jimmy may the angels rock out with you." The guys looked at me and we went into a group hug. The cameras shut off and we all broke down crying. After we cried, I walked over to his kit that was in the studio and sat down on them.

"Greatest drummer to ever live and now he is gone and in January he'll be put in the ground and never ever be able to play again" I said and cried some more on his kit. I grabbed one of the sticks and just held it. Frank came in and saw me.

"Babe, it's going to be alright he is with us just remember that" Frank said picking me up and putting me on his lap.
"I know it just hurts that one of my best friends is gone" I said looking at him feeling the tears about to fall again.
"I know babes, he was like a brother to you. I don't know what I would do if I lost you, Mikey or Gerard" he said. I nodded as I faced him and gave him a light peak on the lips.
"come on let's go home to our babies" Frank said picking me up and setting me back on the floor.
"Okay" I said as I grabbed Jimmy's drum sticks. He is going to need them if he is going to play in heaven.

We drove back to the houses in silence. I wanted so badly to tell Frank that Jimmy was more then a brother to me but I know he understood a little bit when I told him what happened. I couldn't tell him I still love him. It would break his heart.

We pulled into our beach house and as soon as the car was stopped, I ran up to Ethan and Sophia's room and looked in their eyes. When I glanced at Ethan's I thought I saw a hint of blue in them but I knew it was just my eyes playing tricks on me. I picked them up and held them and fed them. After they went back to sleep, I went downstairs and noticed the box still there from when Leana left it.

I picked it up and went through it. There was many pictures of Jimmy and I. My favorite was when we made Matt take a picture of us by a bunch of ducks and since that day Jimmy was obsessed with them. The next was of the picture of the tattoo he got for me, it was of a skull with my hazel eyes and my hair with a heart in a necklace with the small initials that said SLW. I smiled and remembered that I didn't get one of Jimmy in fact my first tattoo was the one Gerard made and the second was of the bottom tear of mine and Frank's wedding cake. Then I got one with Ethan and Sophia's name in them.

I pulled out more and there was Jimmy and I at the beach, playing video games and the video. I knew what was on the tape and I'm glad no one else besides Leana saw what was on the tape. I smiled at the memory when Jimmy pulled the 'I forgot it was on' that was the same night we made our baby. Then I got to all the ultrasound pictures of him. I knew if I didn't lose him he would look exactly like Jimmy. There were other things in there like a shirt I left with them and some new things like wedding pictures from mine and Frank's wedding of Jim and I dancing.

I didnt notice any one else walk in until I felt a pair of lips on my neck. I jumped about twenty feet in the air.
"Sorry babe didn't mean to scare you" Frank said as he stepped behind me and sat so I was between his legs.
"It's okay" I said leaning back on him after I closed the box closed. I just laid that feeling some what content on where I was at the moment.
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As promised since two people commented two Chapters :)

Oh and since I'm starting to check up to my brain which is completely different then what is going on here. There is going to be a squeal. Just letting you all know now.

Also so I only have to cry at least once more i'm going to fast forward some. I hate making my readers cry if I cry.