Sequel: Dreamworld
Status: Completed Check out Dreamworld


Touring has been a blast

Since the start of tour Frank and I have made up. He's actually became a good drummer and learned the songs he had to play. The twins turned 1 and I didn't miss it. We even did a special birthday concert for them. Chelsea and Gerard followed us all the way back to Hunting Beach so Chelsea wouldn't die of boredom. Oh yeah I'm the official new drummer of Avenged Sevenfold they asked me to be their drummer onstage at a concert in Chicago and of course I agreed. Now we are just relaxing before My Chemical Romance has to go on tour and record a new album which they decided to do here in California and they were done with it so they were leaving for a tour tomorrow.

"Oh my best friends" I said to Alicia and Chelsea.
"Yes our best friend" they replied.
"I'm going to miss you guys when I'm with these guys and your with Frank, Mikey and Gerard" I said.
"You can come with us you know" Chelsea siad.
"And leave my band behind plus someone has to take care of your niece and nephew" I said.
"Oh that's so true" Chelsea said looking over at them playing with Frank and Gerard by the water. That's the one thing about Hunting Beach is the beach and having a house right on it.

I closed my eyes and saw a black shadow come across me.
"Excuse me sir your in my light" I said.
"I think she has had a little to much sun" I heard Brian said.
"I completely agree with you. I don't want my wife to get skin cancer. I think she needs to cool down" Frank said. I took off my D&G sunglasses and handed them to Chelsea. I felt myself being picked up.
"What are you doing" I asked them still not opening my eyes.
"You need to cool down" Frank and Brian said at the same time. I heard the water and felt the cool breeze of the waves crashing. I grabbed onto whose ever neck was near me and clung for dear life.

"You better not" I said as I felt the waves get closer.
"Ready" Frank said.
"Ready" Brian said.
"One" Frank said.
"Three" they both said at the same time and I felt myself flying and then falling right into the water. I came up and glared at them.
"You're dead" I said to them. They took off and I tackled Frank first and dunked him under the water and then went after Brian tackled him into the water. Then I went to the shore where Gee and my two precious babies were.

"Save me big brother" I said hugging him. Gerard laughed and stood up.
"Now leave Stacie alone" Gerard said going back to building the sand castle with Sophia and Ethan.
"They should come into the shade" I said picking up Sophia. She giggled and then I picked up Ethan who pouted.
"Aww your just going to come over here with momma and aunties and cool down" I said to him. I brought them two their play pen and sat back down on my beach chair. Chelsea and Alicia were losing it.

"Oh shut up this is the last time I'll see you guys for a while" I said and pouted.
"You'll see us don't worry" Chelsea said.
"Psht yeah right" I said to them. They both laughed and relaxed. We were having a going on tour party for all of My Chem since they were leaving tomorrow. I felt weight on my stomach and looked and saw Frank.

"Hi babey" he said.
"Hey hon" I said kissing him lightly. I looked over and saw Jimmy who made kissey faces and made me giggle.
"What are you laughing about" Frank asked.
"How cute you are" I said to him.
"Aww, what why are you giggling about how cute I am" Frank asked me pouting.
"Now I see where Ethan gets his pout" I said. He stuck his tongue out at me and I bite it.
"You keep doing that and we'll have to celebrate some place else" Frank warned.
"Maybe I want that" I said. He growled and picked me up and carried me into our house. We told Chelsea and Alicia to watch Sophie and Ethan and then went upstairs to celebrate as Frank called it.

Next day

I woke up to Frank's arms around me and I turned over and saw the time.
"Babe, your going to miss your bus leaving" I said to him. He looked at the time and got up and ran to the shower. I laughed and threw on some clothes and grabbed his suitcases and guitar and brought them down to the bus.

"I thought you guys would never wake up" Gerard said.
"Sorry, I needed a night to say goodbye" I said to him.
"Gross" Mikey said taking Frank's bags and putting them on the bus.
"You stink" Mikey said hugging me.
"That's because my lovely husband had to jump in the shower before I did" I said and hugged him back.
"Aww I'm gonna miss you baby sis" Mikey said hugging me.
"I'll miss you too big bro" I said as I hugged him again.
"Dude my turn" Gerard said pushing Mikey away.

"I'll call you every day because I know Chelsea will any way and no sex with the Avenged boys" Gerard said.
"I'm married, did you forget that" I said pointing to my left hand.
"Sometimes I do" Gerard said and hugged me.
"I love you" I said to him.
"Love you too" Gee said and gave me a kiss on the head. Frank came out fully dressed and smiling.

"Sorry about that' Frank said.
"That's okay your wife told us what made you late" Mikey said and shuddered. I laughed and wrapped my arms around Frank.
"I love you Frankie" I said to him.
"I love you too baby" Frank said as he put his arms around me and hugged me close. I leaned up and kissed him softly and he kissed me back.
"6 months without your kisses is going to be hard" I said.
"You can handle it because I can miss Luscious Angel" Frank said. I kissed him once more before Alicia and Chelsea pulled him away from me.

"You guys are bitches" I said to them.
"So aren't you now hug me bitch" Chelsea said. I laughed and hugged her. She pretty much squeezed me to death.
"I'll miss yah bitch" Chelsea said.
"I'll miss yah more hoe. You better call me slut bag" I said.
"Maybe I will maybe I won't Skankface" Chelsea said and we both laughed.
"I will never understand you too" Alicia said and hugged me.
"Take care of Mikey for me make sure he stays away from candy. Wait that's Frank" I said.
"I'll watch Mikey like a hawk don't worry" Alicia said. I laughed and we did a group hug which everyone joined in.

Soon they got on the bus and I was waving them off while Frank was hollering I love you out the windows of the bus. Soon I couldn't see or hear Frank any more and I turned and saw Jimmy.
"Don't worry you have me" Jimmy said.
"Yeah but I'm the only one who can see you" I said.
"Yes, what's going to happen when I leave when you don't need me any more" Jim asked.
"The guys will think I finally came to terms with your death and they will be there for me" I said.
"Yeah, you know now you have a whole house to your self" Jimmy said.
"I still have Sophie and Ethan" I said as I walked into mine and Frank's home. It was already quieter but that didn't last long because I heard a little dog barking and in came Brian with Pinkly.

"Thanks for the quietness" I said sarcastically.
"You're welcome" Brian said as Zacky came in with some meat and stuff for me.
"Let me guess a BBQ" I asked.
"Yep" Zacky said and Matt came in some salads and of course beer. I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"Make yourself at home like you haven't already. I'm going to shower" I said walking up the stairs. Zacky followed and looked at him.
"I'm going to get Sophie and Ethan" he said. I nodded and went into mine and Frank's room and into our ensuite bathroom and got into the shower. After I was done I just threw on some clothes and went back downstairs and had a blast with all the guys. I just missed my Frank. But thankfully for me the guys were there to make me happy.
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Last chapter coming up and then the squeal