These Lines Were Never Established

Chapter Forty-Five

A whole court hearing was called. Travis didn’t have to worry at all as he turned to look at everyone he’d called in sitting behind him all as witnesses for his side. Smiling at them he turned to the army of lawyers friends, family, and sponsors had set him up with, all of them even working together nicely.

Spinning his chair he looked at the other army of lawyers that to him seemed more prepared yet in complete chaos with Mrs. Greenee sitting at her table. Turning away from her he watched the podium. He wanted them over, and he wanted it over now.

For the trail Hayley had been taken from him temporarily and put into another’s custody. He’d picked Tommy and his wife, Claire, so he didn’t worry. But, still, he couldn’t stand not being able to see the crazy three-year-old whenever and all the time. It was bothering him. A whole three weeks without her. He couldn’t believe he’d lived without her for two-years.

Turning in his chair he found Hayley with Tommy and Claire in the front row towards the middle away from him and Mrs. Greenee. Waving at the little girl she smiled waving at just as happy to see him. Laughing he waved more enthusiastically to match her. It earned him a giggle with her limbs tucked up around her.

Laughing he blew her a kiss and stood as the room was told to rise. Watching the judge walked out in his robes, and Travis winced as he tried to not smile or laugh.

“Why ‘ee wear ‘im ba’f’obe?” Hayley blurted out loudly. Jolene instantly began shushing her. Hayley grunted and made a gibberish response of a comment but shut her mouth after it, clearly irritated she was told to be quite in such a frantic manor. It was rare when she was told to be quite so she wasn’t too fond of it when it did happen.

The judge sat down with a raised brow as he watched her. Travis glance at Hayley staring back with a scrunched up face, blaming him for the reason she was shushed. Running a hand over his face he held his groan in. She was going get him in trouble with the judge and the trial hadn’t even started yet.

“I take it, you, little girl, are the reason we’re here.” Hayley gave a big and dramatic shrug at him. The man laughed. “Be seated.” He added seeing everyone still standing.

Sitting slowly Travis licked his lips nervously. The judge seemed to like Hayley, which was good seeing as she was going to be commenting all the time on everything.

The trial began with the lawyers working back and forth before the first witness on Mrs. Greenee’s side was called. Covering his face he drew in a deep breath. Why did they have to pick Hayley to go first? The trail would carry on forever! She’d never stop talking once getting the go-ahead to talk after being shushed the way she had been.

Hayley sat in the large chair pushed all the way up to the railing for her. Pulling Tito in close she looked out at everyone and flushed nervously. Why were they all staring at her? Was she in really big trouble for talking? Her eyes drifted up to the man above her. Was mommy right? The man would be mad and she’d get in really big trouble with him? She didn’t want to be in trouble! She just wanted to know why he was wearing his bathrobe! That wasn’t bad, was it?

“Sweetie can you state your name?” The older man asked as he pushed his glasses up. Travis could feel rage boiling. The old creepy looking guy didn’t have the right to call her sweetie, that was his daughter! Hayley on the other hand pursed her lips. She wasn’t saying a word! She wasn’t getting in anymore trouble.

Shaking her head she moved back from him.

“Are you shy?” Shaking her head she listened to several people laugh. The man turned to glare at them as a loud slamming happened. Squeaking she looked up at the man staring down at her. With another squeak she looked away from him. “Then why won’t you tell me your name?” The old man before her ask. “I’m Mr. Linnen.” He stated trying to be friend with her thinking it’d help. It wasn’t going to. She wasn’t getting in any more trouble for this stranger!

“She thinks she’s in trouble.” Travis stated. Licking his lips he opened his mouth and closed it. “Jo,” he pointed at Jolene. “Told her she was going to get in trouble if she talked here. So she thinks she’s in trouble.” He added.

“Because she’s been put on display.” Travis nodded at the Judges words. “You’re not in trouble.” He stated down at Hayley. “I promise, as long as you answer all of Mr. Linnen’s question honestly you won’t be in trouble. I promise.” Hayley eyed him skeptically, slowly turning her gaze away from the surprised Judge to Travis she watched him nod.

“It’s okay Hayley. You can talk when you’re up there. But not when you’re with Tommy. Okay?” She nodded slowly. “By the way, your honor,” The judge looked at him for a second before back at Hayley with a confused gaze. “You did just get called a liar via gaze of a toddler.” The judge laughed gently. “She’s…ugh…you’ll see.” The judge frowned and Travis simply shrugged. “Hayley, tell the man your name and answer all his questions truthfully okay. Even if you don’t want to answer them, you have to.” Weakly she nodded.

“Eyes Hay-wee Ma-hee Pasta-rana.” She muttered. Mr. Linnen nodded with a smile.

“How old are you.”

“Three!” she declared happily with three fingers up. “Eyes turns four,” She put her pinkie up to show four fingers. “Ap-il sis.” She beamed proudly.

“You’re birthdays April, 6th?” Mr. Linnen asked trying to sound surprised, as if he hadn’t read the case file a million times.

“Uh-huh! Eyes be four,” She held up four fingers again. “Ins sis mumfs!” She added.

“How do you know it’s in six months.” Hayley stopped and began counting on her fingers. “What are you doing?”

“Is nov…novem’der white?” She asked concerned. She was off on her months? Never! Had she been transported to a different time while at Tommy’s? She knew she shouldn’t have played spaceman in his dryer!

“Yes it is.” Mr. Linner stated.

“Soooo,” she stated. “das sis mumfs! Dec’bember, Anu’ary, Eb’utardy, Arch, Ap-il! Pus!” she pointed at him, halfway over the railing as she waved her little chubby finger at him. She had her math right. She wasn’t letting any creepy old guy in glasses tell her otherwise. “Pus der’est of novem’der.” Stopping she sat back on her knees in her chair, head back. “Sowiee!” She declared loudly.

Travis snorted back a laugh as he covered his mouth from what had just happened and why she was saying she was sorry.

“Why are you sorry?” Mr. Linnen asked startled. He hadn’t been expecting the answer out of a three-year-old.

“Eyes nose pose ta bag, goat, ors cor’hect.”

“You’re not supposed to brag, gloat, correct?” Mr. Linnen was now oddly confused. Hayley nodded.

“Is ‘ude, but!” she pointed and stopped covering her mouth knowing the words that would come next would be rude as she bragged about being right. “But eyes white.” She whispered weakly.

“You were right.” Mr. Linnen cleared his throat. Hayley held back ‘ha!’ at him. “Can you tell me how you know that so well? Counting down till you turn four?” Hayley nodded vigorously.

“And Tanks-gibing is dis mumf! Nes mumf is kiss-mas!” She giggled happily. Mr. Linnen nodded.

“Like the holidays do you?” She nodded vigeriously. “Do you enjoy spending them with your father?”

Hayley looked at her dad and waved wildly at him. He waved slowly back and she turned back to Mr. Linnen.

“Uh-huh! Eyes w’uve it.” She beamed happily. “’Ims gives me Tito!” She held the tiger up. He simply nodded at Mr. Linnen with a bored expression and half a wave as he leaned on the railing bored. He didn’t understand why they were there but he wasn’t going to complain like he had on the way to the court. Hayley had stated they’d get to see daddy and that’s what mattered. To him this wasn’t seeing daddy. This was just stupid and boring. “Eyes cans ‘ate.” She stated simply.

“He give you, uh, Tito here,” Mr. Linnen waved an almost disgusted finger at Tito earning a snap of the tigers teeth at him, even if he didn’t know it. “Last Christmas?”

“No’s bes’fo.” Hayley pulled Tito back to her.

“Why is that?”

“Cause eyes scurd.” She whispered nervously. “Tito’s pro’fects meh.” Travis could see this going wrong if the questions were worded right, even with Hayley being a genius. He wasn’t sure how that’d play out here. Granted if he twisted her words once Hayley would learn quickly. She had a steep learning curve. Guy had once chance.

“Protects you from what?” Mr. Linnen smiled.

“Duh mom’ters!”

“The what?”

“Mom’ters!” She gasped. “Deys w’ives unders meh bed ans in meh’s coset!” Mr. Linner nodded.

“Anything else he protects you from?”

“Duh bads peep’poles.” He hummed at her before asking her to describe the bad people. Hayley simple shrugged. “Peep-poles whoms meanies.” He pressed to explain more. “Duh peep-pole das don w’ike meh ans wanna hurs meh.” Travis folded his hands in front of his face. This question was about to either work in his favor or not. He was hoping for the prior as Mr. Linnen pressed more.

“Are those people here?” Hayley nodded. “Are you afraid of those people?” She nodded again weakly, hugging Tito close. “Do you live with those people?” He asked.

Hayley’s face drained on emotion as she stared at him blankly. Travis silently cheered as he watched her begin to analyses the question. Her little lips pursed and he drew in a deep breath as she watched them closely. This was the turning point.

“Yews f’ink eyes dumb?” She asked tipping her head to the side irritated. She knew what he was asking suddenly. Tommy and Jolene had told them Travis was fighting for her over her Grandmother. He was asking if she lived with people that were bad to her.

“Ex-excuse me?” he choked.

“Eyes nose dumbs. Eyes nose was yews doing!” she pointed. She looked at Travis and he simply bowed his head at her with a sad smile. She wasn’t losing him! “Eyes nose ‘fraid of dem! Is for peoples w’ike ‘er!” She pointed at her grandmother, the skinny woman. “See do dis.” Lifting her shirt she showed her right side with the worse mark she had and many more with them. “Eyes no ‘faid of daddy! Eyes ‘faid of her!” She declared.

Mr. Linnen stared at her outraged, surprised and angry. Not even ten minutes in an a three-year-old had ruined his defense and plan to win even once the marks were exposed and showed. A three-year-old had out smarted him.

“That’s all.” He was forced to say.

Travis smirked at him as his lawyer stood up. Jen was taking the lead on this case. She smiled as well.

“Don’t feel bad Mr. Linnen. I guess you didn’t read the whole case file that we’re fighting for the custody of a genius toddler. Highest IQ recorded for a three-year-old ever.” She smugly stated. “Hi Hayley.” She waved. “My names Jen. I’m a friend of your dads.” Hayley eyed her suspiciously. “I’m here to make sure you go home with him.” Jen added easily. “Can I ask how you got the big one on your side?” She tenderly asked.

Hayley whined she didn’t like to think about it. She couldn’t even remember it all. Licking her lips she placed her hands on the mark that now suddenly felt warm.

“Eye…” swallowing she sniffed. “eye, nose ‘members alls its.” She admitted. Jen asked her to tell everyone what she did remember. “Eyes…eyes paying wif mom…”Her eyes went wide as she looked at Jolene. Jolene wasn’t her mom. More tears welled in her eyes as several things clicked. Travis always saying Mommy was gone and then suddenly Jolene was there. She’d simply filled the space. “Wif…mommy…”

Travis looked over his shoulder at Jolene who looked heart broken. They both knew what that gaze meant, they’d planned on seeing it one day and soon just not this way. Jolene gave him a weak watery smile. She did think of Hayley as a daughter no matter what.

“wif mommy…be’fo da hos’pickle.” Jen hummed. “Eyes…we’s ows’ide.” She managed. Licking her lips. “See dere.” She pointed. “See jus sew’d up and…” Hayley stopped as tears ran down her face.

“and what?” Jen asked simply.

“See gab me and…and eyes nose no wha happens. Just…mommy sc’eemeded. Ands eyes hurt. Bad. Eyes was ons a…a boken piece da pays gounds.” Jen grimaced as everyone did while Hayley managed to choke out her store though sobs. “Mommys has tols me to be ca-car’ful of is too.” She sniffled back more tears, using the back of her wrist to remove her tears. Jen nodded weakly.

“Your mom was in the hospital?”

“Yeah.” Hayley sniffed. “See gones now.” Travis covered his face irritated and sad. This wasn’t had he wanted her to remember or to find out. He wanted her to be the comfort and safety of his arms and his house with Jolene right there as they talked about it.

“Okay.” Jen nodded not pushing the subject. “Can you tell me about your favorite time with your dad?” She asked. Hayley looked up startled and bit her bottom lip.

“Meh’s fav’or’it?” Jen nodded with a smile.

Hayley stopped and smiled she knew her favorite moment. She instantly began telling the story about how he’d surprised her with a pretty pink and purple princess room and bought her a little pretty pink princess dress and read to her all right long and played castle and tea-part with her beforehand.

Travis was grateful she’d told the story she had, that had been a dicey question. He’d taken her, plenty of times, ungeared on his bike for long rides around his compound. That was not going to look good on him. Not now not ever. He’d have to change that. She was getting a helmet, boots, and riding gear as soon as he had her back.

What Travis didn’t know was his friends and family had him covered. They’d already told her not to talk about her being on the bike with him at any point while in the court room. She’d lose her dad if she did.