These Lines Were Never Established

Chapter Forty-Seven

Hayley looked at the two sitting across from her. Travis and Jolene smiled at her. Travis’s mouth floundered.

“You know Jo’s not your real mom, huh?” Hayley nodded. Looking at her. “Do you know why she let you call her mommy though?” Hayley shook her head. She didn’t know why Jolene had lied to her.

“Because I love you.” Hayley looked at Jolene with sad eyes. “I love you like a daughter and you needed a mommy. I didn’t plan on you calling me that.” She stated simply. “But when you did, I just…I couldn’t tell you no because I like to think you are my daughter and that your mom would want me to take care of you as such.” Hayley’s bottom lip shook.

“So mommy gone? Ors see nose wans meh?” She sniffled sadly.

“You’re mom loved you.” Travis stated rubbing a few tears away as he lifted her chin. “You didn’t want to leave you but God thought it’d be better if she was with him.” Hayley nodded. Slowly Travis tried to find more words. “I love you too Hayley and so does Jo…” he trailed off as Hayley reached out for Jolene.

Jolene pulled Hayley close and let the little girl cry into her.

“Yews stills bees meh mommy?” Hayley cried heavily. Jolene laughed happily and pulled her closer.

“Of course little bird. I love you. I’ll be your mommy as long as you let me be.” Hayley nodded crying.

Travis groaned. Two women crying, what the hell was he supposed to do now? Jolene tugged him into the hug and he laughed wrapped his arms around the two. Apparently he was supposed to hug them both. He would’ve never figured that out on his own.

Travis sighed as he watched everyone running around his backyard. Grimacing as he watched Hayley fall of her little 50cc. He’d gotten her full gear and getting her off the bike was like trying to get her not to gloat when she was right. Damn near impossible.

Andy ran to the toddler trying to get back on the bike after an easy spill. Travis laughed as Andy struggled with her to make sure she was okay before letting her go again. As he headed down the hill his helmet over his wrist and his bike next to him as he pushed it along. He watched Hayley bob up and down, legs flailing as she took the tiny baby whoops on the mini track he’d made for her. It was the cutest thing he’d ever seen.

“Feet on the pegs little bird! Feet on the pegs!” he called. He watched one foot fine the peg as the other seemed to stay out to the side while she bounced around. “Both feet little bird! Both feet!” He laughed. She toppled over before she could completely comply.

Setting his bike on a stand he rushed over to her laughed as she tried to get Andy to give her the bike back. She had a five spill maximum before the bike was taken away for the day. The rule rarely held when she out smarted who was trying to take the bike away or on occasion cried to get her way. There was the one time she’d actually rode the bike away only to fall thirty feet into the chase; she’d hit a small rock she hadn’t seen. It’d been the funniest chase ever. Special had no idea what was going on till he saw her a few feet in front of him and began freaking out and trying to chase her down.

“Eyes fine!” She declared. Travis began removing her helmet. She fought him the whole way. She was all sweaty and dirty. Laughing he picked her up and began walking away with her as she began to tear up.

“What, you don’t what to ride with?” Travis asked. She stopped looking at him. “Okay. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to...” He went to set her down and groaned as her little gloved fingers drug into him like claws. “Okay! Okay!” he laughed holding her higher. Getting the bike ready he put her in front of him and put her helmet back on once he knew she’d cooled off a bit. That was his biggest worry. She’d ride too much, sweating like a fool in the heat of the starting summer and over heat.

Taking off at a decent pace he stuck to first and a few spot of second for her. She giggled and held on tight. Just with the way she was holding the front center bar he could already see the racer in her and he was grateful she was still his. He couldn’t be happier.
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Almost over with!!! :)