Kidnapped by Green Day

Struggling threw my tears

As soon as i left school i ran a s fast as i possibly could to get home, actuality wanting to be home. I dropped my stuff half way to my house which was at the park. I opened my house door slamming it shut. I leaned against it and slid down i hit the floor. A few tears rolled down my face. Why the fuck was i crying? I mean i made fun of a teacher and got away with as i did the fight, shouldn't i be happy? I had a fucking headache. I was also hungry i didn't eat last night or this morning or even lunch. I didn't want to eat. So I'm not going to. I went straight to bed. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up to loud bangs on my door. As i got closer to the door the bangs got louder as did yelling. " Open the god damn door Grace!!!! Wake up!" I unlocked the door and she flew in as soon as i opened it. She was mad. Seriously when is she not? Great day so far! Seems to be getting better by the second! I closed the door. " You didn't do shit!" Oops i forgot to clean. " Like always and your principal called me today" She turned to look at me waiting for my answer.

" Yeah and?" God i had attitude. That's why i got into a fight because of my stupid mouth, and the bitch kept egging me on.

" You interrupted the class, made fun of him, then you got into a fight? I'm so sick of your shit Grace when will you learn that life isn't fair and that you need to grow up. Life's not about having fun." She stormed off into her room. I thought for a moment and yelled something back " The only reason you say its not clean is because your never home to see a difference!" Tears were pouring out my eyes. I walked past my moms room to go to mine and i heard her lighter being light. She was probably doing her crack or dope maybe her pot but whatever. She even cared more about her drugs then me. I heard her throw something across the room and it broke. I closed my door and sat on my bed. Then I heard a knock on the house door. I went to open it and it was her stupid idiotic thing she liked to call her boyfriend of two years. I'm gonna barf! Oh, God!

I glared at him and he spoke" Wheres your momma?"

Still glaring at him i said " Dead now leave!"

" I see why she dead. She's dead because of your bitchy ass now where is she?" He was know glaring at me.

" I don't know and i don't fucking care why the fuck would you care? Oh that's right because you need to fuck her then be an asshole to her then when you want something your nice? She's not interested now leave!" I slammed me to the wall so i was out of his way. He leaned over and whispered " Your lucky where not alone!" He pulled away and walked to my moms room. I am so fucking scared right know. More and more tears! " I'm such a failure in life. We all have a reason to live right? Wrong! The only reason God made me is so that i can suffer! I'm the Devils fucking child!" Then i punched a wall. My knuckle started to bleed. I could feel a migraine coming on. I heard my mom yell " Grace clean up right now!"

" Um....fuck you? No thanks I'm good!"

" What?" She screamed. Oh Shit. Stupid big mouth i kept digging myself a bigger hole than i already had. Her door swung open. She lunged towards me and i hit the wall she got in my face. " Just because you got in a fight doesn't mean your a big girl Grace. Don't ever talk to me like that again do you understand?" I didn't answer. She walked off. I looked at my feet i guess i fell asleep with my cons on. I walked to the front door and i yelled" I HATE YOU!"
I ran out the door slamming it for the second time today.

Now you guys know why i hate her? I you think I'm being to harsh fuck off! I went for a walk and i kept hearing his voice repeat over and over again and again in my head. I think I'm going fucking crazy. I sat on the swing when i got to the park. I looked about 11:00 or so at night. My mom wouldn't come look for me she hasn't before one time when i ran away. I cant believe i came back. It was dark there were several lights shining on the street. Then, just my luck it started to rain. I loved the rain. I always fantasized about kissing in the rain. I was 14 and i still hadn't been kissed by a boy or a girl. I swung back and forth as i did the swing creaked and squeaked. My hair was soaked. So were my clothes.

I stopped swinging because a shadow casted over me. My heart was pounding so fast that it was getting hard to breath. I turned around slowly and saw a figure. It lunged at me but i dodged it i started running. Again i was crying. Two medium sized figures followed i couldn't run any faster. I turned my head to look back and i tripped on a stupid stump. I rolled over when i hit the ground. One figure sat on me and taped my mouth shut the other tied my arms together and then my legs. Next thing i knew i was being picked up and threw into a van. One of the figures sat in the back with me and one sat in the front seat with the driver.

I was screaming under the tape. My throat hurt so much. It was burning. The one figure sitting in the back with me looked over at me and said " We have a screamer here good choice Tre'!" Then it smiled. The guy sitting across from me got closer and closer. I shrunk down in size. He looked into my red watery eyes. He lifted his hand and started rubbing my cheek. After that I felt a blow to the head and i was knocked out.
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