Kidnapped by Green Day

Your a stain that will never be removed

(BJ's pov)
I sat straight up panting from my nightmare I had. I was running from the cops I guess. I rub my head still with that terrible headache. “Fuck" I whispered looking over to where Addie uses to sleep. She wasn’t there this time. I got up and walked into joey and Jacobs’s room. They weren’t there either. I turn around walking down stairs. Mike and tre' got in I gave them both keys if anything ever happened they could come here.

“Hey Billie, I'm sorry about Adrienne' mike said in a low apologetic tone.

“Yeah bill, I'm so sorry" they both turned back to the TV. As I walked into the kitchen. On the island was a note probably from Adrienne. I picked it up and it went like this:

Dear Billie,
I'm sorry, but you put this on yourself. You hurt me once like this in high school and I gave you another chance. You promised this would never happen again, but hey you’re a man you can never keep your word. I think I have given you too many chances, due to the night you came home drunk, and you had lipstick all over your body. This last time with the blood.....I can’t take it anymore Billie. Your kids are o disappointed in you. I had to lie to them about why they weren’t going to see you for a while. They miss you and love you.
~ Sincerely Adrienne Nesser.

Ok, my first thought is she changed her name back to Nesser? I laughed to myself not caring id lost her. I care that I lost my boys and all but, she was to...much. Y’know what I mean? Too much work to take care of and shit. I threw the note away pouring myself a cup of coffee. I walked into the living room remembering why she left. Blood. There was a blood stain on my shirt from that little girl. She did this, this is all her fault, and she needs punishment.

"Guys I'm going to take a shower" I said as they were watching MTV.

"Yeah, see ya" Tre' shooed. I rolled my eyes and traveled up stairs to take my hot relaxing shower.

*No one’s pov*

Billie traveled up stairs as mike and tre continued to watch there show. Mike and tre' both knew they would both be asked to help with the girl downstairs, but mike had something to do. Mike looked over at tre' and hit his arm to get his attention. "Dude, I have to pick up my daughter at the airport in like an hour" tre bit his lip.

"Ya and I have to go to sex rehab"

"Stop mocking me" mike laughed.

"I was serious" mike put on a serious face.

"How we gunna tell Billie? He has a really short fuse and if were not in the basement helping him with his....'master plan' he'll freak out"

"I know man when did he get that temper?" mike looked up at the stairs to make sure he could still hear Billies shower running then looked back at tre'

"Remember his step dad?" tre' nodded sadly. "I think his childhood is coming back to haunt him and he wants to take it out on the girl" tre' nodded again and sighed.

"We have to tell him we gotta leave, or we both get yelled at by other people"

"Fine I’ll tell him when he gets out" they both turned back to the TV and waited for Billie Joe to get out of the shower.

*10 minutes later*

Billie came down stairs whistling a tune that sounded like holiday. He walked over and leaned against the couch. "So, guys ready to face our little bitch?" he said with excitement. They both turned around and mike cleared his throat.

"Billie we have things....we have to do...”

"Like?' he asked

"Well, I have to pick up my daughter and Tre' has sex rehab he can’t miss"

"So, you’re going to leave me alone to do this?" mike bit his lip and tre' looked down. He nodded and Billie sighed. "Then leave and get out" mike and tre' were taken aback and got up turning off the TV. They walked out as Billie slammed the door shut without saying good bye. "Fucking assholes always thinking about themselves" Billie mumbled to himself.

*graces pov*

I woke up in a dark room that had light shining through one window that had a crack through it. I sat up holding my head, I was really sore. My clothes are a little wet from the rain last night, and then I got attacked by two people. That’s all I remember from the night before. Now I'm in this dark room with one window revealing the outside and one window that showed a room, there was a door next to it. I slowly got up and traveled to the door. I turned the knob and it wouldn’t budge it was locked. I sighed and looked out the box window, into a room.
There were guitars lined up against the wall and drums in the back. There were two microphones standing in the room. The floor was wood unlike the one I was standing on which was cold gray dark cement.

A man quite short with blonde hair came in that room. He looked up to see my scared face and smiled, which shocked me. I watched as he walked over to the door and unlocked it with a key from his pocket; he then returned it into his pocket. He entered the room and he looked mad, but he smiled again. He came closer and closer until I was against the wall. His face was a few inches from mine and he spoke. "How was your sleep?" why does he care how I slept I don’t know him. I slept like shit because I was hit over the head! I just stared at him and didn’t answer. He looked down laughing. I furrowed my eyebrows. What was funny? I thought. His green eyes reconnected with mine and he held a knife in my face, my eyes widened. "How was your sleep?" he repeated.

"F-fi--fine thanks" I shuddered. He smiled and put the knife slowly back down by his side. He backed up and sat in a chair I didn’t notice before. He motioned me over to the mattress I woke up on. I slowly walked towards it watching him. I sat down and pulled my knees up to my chest setting my chin down on top.

"What your name?" he asked curiously, looking at me, I can feel his eyes feeding on my fear.

"gr-Grace Mardis" I replied seconds later, not wanting him to get the knife out again, once more he smiled. Why was he smiling? Is he mental? Is that why I'm here?

"So...Grace, tell me about yourself"


"Because if you don’t do what I say, this knife will meet your insides" he threatened creepily smiling. I couldn’t breathe very well after that, a few tears but nothing to dramatic that I can’t answer because I would like that knife to stay out of me.

"Well, what do you want to know specifically?" I whispered.


"Where do you want me to start?" I asked, thinking it was a better question.

"Where were you born?"


"How old are you and whens your birthday?" he asked sharpening his hand knife. My eyes grew large at the shiny sharp knife that might meet my skin if I don’t answer this guy I'm in this room with.

"I'm uhm...14...and my birthdays July, 7Th"

"Y’know my birthdays coming up in two days" he said a little sad. "I'm going to be 37" I nodded as he said this, I don’t wanna anger him I mean the guy has a knife in his hands! I don’t know what hes capable of so I can’t try running either. "What music do you like?"

"You might not like what I listen to so please don’t hurt me" I pleaded. He looked up from his knife and smiled at me. His eyes are to die for although I shouldn’t like the guy who kidnapped me and is ready to skin me alive.

"This will only be used when you won’t cooperate, like earlier, when you get difficult and when I'm mad" he explained. "I do see you like Green Day though" he smiled again. I nodded and smiled a little back, failing.

"Ya, there the best, well, in my book" I shrugged.

"I like them to" he stood up and walked towards the door he grabbed the knob.

"Wait...” I shouted a little. He paused and turned towards me waiting for me to answer. "Can I go home please?" he started to walked towards me and stopped bedding down to make his eyes meet with mine.

"You’re not going to leave...Ever" he simply said looking into my gray blue eyes.

"W--Why?" I asked, scared knowing he still holds the knife.

"Because I fucking said so that’s why, you’re stuck with me" he got up and walked towards the door, I caught myself singing stuck with me by Green Day.

"I'm not part of your elite
I'm just alright
Class structure waving colors
Bleeding from my throat
Not subservient to you I'm just alright
Down classed by the powers that be
Give me loss of hope

Cast out... Buried in a hole
Struck down... forcing me to fall
Destroyed... giving up the fight
Well, I know I'm not alright

What's my price and will you pay it if it's alright?
Take it from my dignity
Waste it until its dead
Throw me back into the gutter
'Cause it's alright
Find another pleasure fucker
Drag them down to hell

Cast out... Buried in a hole
Struck down... forcing me to fall
Destroyed... giving up the fight
Well, I know I'm not alright

Cast out... Buried in a hole
Struck down... forcing me to fall
Destroyed... giving up the fight
Well, I know I'm not alright" I whispered the last lyric with a tear and lay on the bed with him watching me through the window. It looked as if he was sitting, considering he was shorter. Then I heard his voice echo through the room.

"You really know your lyrics" I just nodded. When I looked up, he was gone and I watched the door he walked out of close and I was alone again, in this dark gray, dirty room with two windows.

*Billies pov*

I walked out of the room learning a few new things about this girl. Her name is Grace Mardis, shes 14 her birthdays in July, she likes my band, not recognizing who I am, and she want to go home. She is never going to leave this place that’s for sure, I won’t let her.

I am alone now no one is here in my house and I want her, my loin’s burn for her. That whole time I was in there she was calling…NO; she was practically screaming my name. in her eyes I could tell she was scared, and sad, but before I knocked her out last night her eyes said ‘take me away from this place, please numb my pain’ so I did. I want mike and tre’ to be here when I try and seduce her. I have a little surprise for her tomorrow when she wakes up. I smiled to myself and thought of dirty terrible things I could possibly do to her.
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sorry it take so long to update but i have school and i was almost taking into juvi. i aslo dont have much network access. comment? sub? thanks let me know whta ya think about this chapter