Kidnapped by Green Day

Can you say surprise?

*Graces pov*
I don’t know what to think at the moment, or how to respond to these feelings. All I know is that im scared out of my mind and I really want to be home. For once I actually miss the place that caused me to run away at the time someone wanted to kidnap me. Had they been watching me? If so, for how long and why? Why was I kept here, so important to him? Did I do something to offend him that made him want to hurt me, or try? Was he holding himself back?

I’m guessing it’s about three in the morning since the sun went down about six or so hours ago. I can’t seem to sleep, im scared awake. A living nightmare, a wish to be happy gone wrong. I didn’t know it was a crime to try and be happy, even once in a while. I regret wanting to leave, ever. Im afraid that if I fall asleep that guy will try something, I feel like im being watched at from every angle in this dark room, like night vision.

Maybe if my mom loves me enough she’ll be so worried that she’ll call the cops, but I highly doubt it. The room is silent except for my stomach growling for food. I hadn’t eaten since that school morning and I wish food would magically pop up, but we all know that’s never going to happen. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I was never born, or if I died what would people do. What if he had actually used that knife from earlier? What would he do if he saw my arms and ankles?

I lay on my back with nothing but my clothes on. No blanket, no nothing. It’s pretty cold in this basement since everything’s made of hard grey cement. That man’s eyes were so distracting, so green and breath taking. They reminded me of someone, but I can’t remember who. It’s on the tip of my tongue but I just can’t fucking remember. I hate when that happens. Thinking of what tomorrow brings, I become even more scared, terrified.

*BJ’s Pov*

I finally finished, finished with my list of painful ideas im going to put her through. I smiled to myself knowing it was wrong. Sleep is impossible at the moment; my mind is racing at a million miles an hour and when I try to calm myself it doesn’t work. My body wants to run downstairs and jump on grace, but my mind opposes to the idea. I mentally hit myself for not doing following through with the torture. By this time my schizophrenia kicks in and im arguing aloud to myself.

“Billie you know why you’re doing this, don’t be like your step father.”

“Why the fuck should you care?”

“Because it’s not fair to that little girl you’re holding captive down stairs”

“Was it fair to me when I was 14? No, it wasn’t so now im passing it down” I pulled at my hair knowing I sounded a bit insane. I hate when my other half interferes with most my crime-full ideas. I call him Matthew. Sometimes he helps me sometimes I shut him out and other times I want to kill myself because he won’t stop interrupting my harmful thoughts. He’s the good half of me, the positive one, and the fucking hero. One time he convinced me to kill myself because of all the overwhelming pain. I always knew someone else was here with me; he started to talk to me when I was 14. He was kinda like my own therapist in some ways and no one knew about him.

“Why do you want her to feel like you did? Why do you want to see the pain you use to have? Doesn’t it bug you that you grew up just like your dad?”

“Matt, he wasn’t my fucking dad shut the fuck up! He was a fucking replacement!! And I hated him!”

“Then why are you just like him?” I threw my papers off of my lap and jumped up jogging down my stair case. Breathing uncontrollably I ran into the pouring rain and started to silently cry with anger flaring from me. Again this is her fault! Im mad because I was writing down ideas to hurt her and matt kicked in, because he didn’t want to do it to her. It’s her fault that im fucking pissed off, she deserves to feel this not me!

*Graces pov*

I jumped due to slamming coming from upstairs. A scared feeling washes over me like a tsunami does to an innocent town. I heard yelling but only from one person, the person who was in here earlier. His voice was so…ruff and scratchy kind of attractive but scary and serious. He sounds like he smokes; I use to and right know I wish I had one. I close my eyes and try to keep warm by rubbing my arms, but it barely works, ten minutes later I finally fall asleep.

*Next day*

As I start to open my eyes slowly, I shut them right away due to shining light. I sit up and realize im still sore. I looked around and remembered Im still in the same room; I had hoped it was all a terrible nightmare. I heard a door close and looked up towards the only door in this dirty room. Two men stood smiling at me like the man from yesterday only he wasn’t standing here with them. They both had crystal blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. The tallest man pulled up a chair and set it next to me. He grabbed my arm from the corner of my eye I saw rope; it was being wrapped around me over and over again. I clenched my eyes and imagined this wasn’t happening to me. I imagined I was at the beach listening to the water crash onto the moist sand, birds chirping and kids yelling from getting splashed. The other man stood in the corner glaring at me like I was gum stuck to his shoe.

I gasped snapping out of my thoughts with pain running into my right cheek. My eyes stung and started to water. “Tre’ play nice” I avoided looking up at yesterday’s guest, the green eyed creep. I heard knees pop and felt the presence of someone in front of me. My heart speeds up as he gets closer to me, as soon as our foreheads meet he stops and stares into my own blue eyes. “Grace, I want you to kiss me” he whispered. I froze in my spot not wanting to move, blink, or breath. I don’t know what to do, do I or don’t I? If I don’t listen I’ll get hurt, but what happens if I do? Thoughts fill my mind and I automatically kissed his lips. Surprisingly they were soft and smooth. Pulling back I turned away; he got up and started to undress. “Mike, is the camera ready?” my head shot up which made him smile.

“C-camera?” I said shakily he nodded with the same sick smile. “What do you mean camera?” He sighed and walked over to who I assumed to be mike, ignoring me completely. Tre’ on the other hand couldn’t stop staring at me, which started to creep me out, even though I’m creped out anyways. His arms were crossed over each other and he was leaning against the wall corner. He seemed so angry and unhappy. I looked down and my breathing became uncontrollable, because of hoe scared I was of the green eyed man. “Why are you going to record this?” I whispered. The mattress sunk and I slowly looked up at green eyes. He lifted his left hand and slowly rubbed my left cheek. Without knowing it my arms were above my head and he was all over my neck.
I looked up at mike with pleading eyes to get him off of me, but he stood there with a camera recording my real life nightmare. Trying to distract myself by thinking of something else didn’t work so well. “Oh, god…” my eyes shot open and I shivered as he used his right hand to finger me with, which was unpleasant. Dirty hands touching me, a person I didn’t know was fucking touching me! I wanted to scream but couldn’t let it out. I wanted to be held and loved not touched and fucked.

“Billie maybe this isn’t a good idea” Billie? As in Billie Joe, mike and Tre’? Please tell me im dreaming or in Acoma. I don’t wanna be raped by my idol, not by the only thing that makes me happy in life. “Billie, seriously” Billie abruptly pulled his hand out of me which hurt a lot and turned to mike. He stood up and walked towards mike, getting in his face.

“Why mike? Is there something wrong? You did this to your fucking daughter! So you shouldn’t be saying shit!” mike looked down and my heart plummeted into my stomach making me feel sick. I rolled onto the side of the bed. Grabbing my stomach I threw up which stopped the fighting. I felt someone holding my long past boob length hair, while rubbing my back. I peeked out the corner of my eye and it was Tre’. He slightly smiled at me, and not in a sick way, in a friend sorta way which made me feel slightly better, still scared but better. I wiped my mouth of with the back of my hand and sat up against the wall that the mattress was up against. “Mike, im still doing this no matter what” he pointed angrily and the turned to me.

Billie pushed Tre’ out of the way and grabbed my face with his right hand. “Listen here, just because you threw up doesn’t mean shit! Im still gunna fuck you” he threw my face to the side and got up walking out, mike followed but Tre’ stayed put.

“He has anger problems” I looked up at Tre’ and was confused, just a few minutes ago he slapped me why is he being nice? I cleared my throat and shifted in a more comfortable position. “Im sorry about….everything”

“What do you mean?” I whispered quieter.

“Kidnapping you and such” he stood up and walked out locking the studio door behind him looking through the window one last time before I blacked out.
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sorry short chapters. what do you think like it so far??? :D