Kidnapped by Green Day

Chapter 6

The room was colder than before, or so I thought. I had woken up about an hour ago with chills covering my body. There wasn’t a blanket or my clothes. I was just laid in my underwear, nothing more. They wanted me to suffer, suffer badly. Rape, abuse, starvation, they definitely wanted me to feel pain and suffering.

Billie though? I tried so hard to see through his eyes. All I could see was a lock and I needed the key. I wanted to see and know why I was in the middle of this, why I was his sex slave. Or I was going to be his sex slave since he hadn’t quiet got to that part yet. If it wasn’t for me throwing up he would have followed through with his plan. He said he was still going to though. It made me shudder.

Tre’, why was he rude and then all of a sudden the nice guy? Why didn’t he just walk away like the other two? He had confused me more than anyone. Maybe he was bipolar? Then with mike, why did Billie say you did this too your own daughter? I now wondered if he was lying or if he had actually done it. It pains me to know my own idols are nasty perverts. Whats supposed to keep me happy and alive now?

I was interrupted by my stomach growling and crying to be fed. It started to hurt now since I haven’t been fed in a couple of days. I wanted to ask if Billie would feed me now but there was no way of getting anyone’s attention. What if I screamed to get their attention? It might be worth a try or I could get hurt by one of them for disturbing them.

What was the use of not trying? In the future I would be getting hurt anyways so why not try?

;; Billie’s pov;;

I heard a faint scream as I watched the TV form the couch. I was sprawled out across it with a beer in one hand and the remote in the other. “Let me go!” I faintly heard again. I rolled my eyes and sipped my bitter substance, it tasted better by the second, and my stomach was getting warm. When I stopped changing the channel I landed on Girls Gone Wild.

“Purchased” I smiled to myself. I used my legs and slid down the couch to get more comfortable, it made my shirt rise and as I watched two girls make out my hand slowly inched into my black skinnies. I set my beer on the floor and used that hand to undo my belt buckle for an easier grip.
The two girls had their bras off now; the one on top was biting at the other chick’s nipples. Sucking, nibbling, moaning, and asking for more and I jerked harder, but heard another scream. I groaned in annoyance and ripped my hand out of my pants. I walked towards the door of the studio and the cellar with a fast pace and an angered temper.

;;Grace’s pov;;

God…this wasn’t going to work. I sat on the mattress and pulled at my hair. My knees were up to my chest and I was leaning against the gray wall. I started to cry and ball my eyes out, I don’t wanna be here. How was I going to get home?

Why would I want to go home? It couldn’t be any worse than this. Just like at home, I was ignored. I was beat. I was yelled at. I got hurt a lot. I broke from my thoughts as Billie came rushing through the door. He walked up to me and my teary eyes met his angry filled ones. Billie raised his right hand slapped me harder than tre’ did across my right cheek. “What the fuck are you fucking yelling about?!” I cried harder, it stung ten times worse than tre’s did too. “I asked you a god damn question Grace”

I looked up at him through a blur and he was panting. I sat up once more and wiped my eyes before speaking. “I...” why did I scream? “I…” that was all I could say. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t breathe, and I couldn’t move…I just couldn’t.

He gave a hard quick sigh and pulled his knife out of his pocket. Billie sat on the mattress as I began to scoot back; he clenched my ankle in his grip and slid me towards him. My hands were up by my chest, I put them up as if I was getting arrested. I was in a shocked state, even though I should’ve expected his sharp friend to join us, I mean he DID warn me…I guess I took him for
granted. “Grace…answer me” he chanted.

“Billie…I’m just…” my stomach grumbled and he looked down then back up at me. Put two and two together Billie.

“Hungry? You’re screaming because you’re hungry? God you are so fucking pathetic” as he began to sit up he cut my upper right arm. With the instinct of my brain I gripped my arm and squeezed it tightly at the pain. “I think I need to give you a reason to scream”

Billie stood and ripped his shirt off…not again. I tried to sit up against the wall, that’s when I noticed he didn’t shut the studio door. My heart jolted with adrenaline. I pushed off the springy uncomfortable mattress and sprinted for the door. I tried to run as fast as I could, but it wasn’t fast enough. I was yanked back by my hair and I fell to the hard ground. Fuck! “You’re not going anywhere” then Billie closed the door and locked it. He had a huge nasty smirk a crossed his face. I gulped down on the lump in my dry throat.

“Billie…please…” I crawled backwards to my mattress slowly, still in pain. He walked just as slowly to me with an amused look plastered on his soft evil face.

“Please what grace? Please fuck you?” he smirked in a now dirty way instead of amused. I shook my head fast.

“No…” I whispered with hot tears flowing over.

“Oh yes” he slid his pants off and I clenched my eyes shut. Wake up, wake up, wake up!!! My legs were once more being descended so I was lying down on the bed with him. I kept my eyes shut and I placed my hands over them. I didn’t want to see. I felt his cold rugged finger tips slide across my body he then slipped off the last piece of clothing I was advertising. I was whispering to myself. ‘don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t .’ although my hands covered my eyes, it didn’t stop the tears from coming.

“Grace…are you ready?” I could practically hear Billie smile as he whispered in a hushed tone. I wasn’t ready, not for any of this. His hands gripped my inner thighs and I gulped harder than when I did earlier. I didn’t even try to fight back. Then all of a sudden horrible pain rippled through me and I let out a scream. Over and over again Billie thrusted. I couldn’t stop crying, it hurt so bad. “That’s it, scream for me”

Another scream let out as he pounded harder. “Stop…” I sobbed. “Please!” finally I opened my eyes with regret. He was sweaty. He was panting. He threw his head back in pleasure as I was in pain. His blonde hair was in every direction possible. As I watched him clench his own eyes he let out a moan. I felt so sick. I felt disgusted with myself.

It felt like hours before he was done doing to me whatever he pleased. When he got up to leave I curled up into a ball. I shrunk down and didn’t make eye contact. He had his clothes back on as he bent down next to me, then he sat on the mattress. I was still somewhat crying when he spoke to me. “Grace…” he tried softly. Here he goes again, I have to look up at him…or else. “Grace” this time more firmly and demanding. I was about to look up at him but he sighed delicately. His hands were now warm; he was petting my hair and wiping my tears away. “Hey” he called smoothly. Now I looked up at him. “You did fine, no more getting hurt okay?” I sniffled my nose quiet loudly and in my head I didn’t believe him. In my heart, I did.

“Alright?” he tried again. “I’m…sorry…sometimes…I can’t control myself.” I continued to look up at him; he was looking at the floor. What did he mean? I sat up and I put my face in his chest. He wrapped an arm around me and hugged me…and for a second I could’ve sworn I heard him sob, but of course I didn’t question the man. All I could do from preventing injury was hug back, and so I

;;Billie’s pov;;

I hate him. I HATE HIM! I hated my step father for this. He made me who I am today. I am a sick son of a bitch, god I needed help. I tilted Graces head up from my chest. She still had a tear or two running down her cheek and I withdrew it with the pad of my thumb. Her eyes were a bright crystal blue when she cried, I noticed. I cupped her face and then kissed her softly. I removed my lips from hers and got up, walking out of the room without another word.

I sat on my leather couch and pulled at my hair. “Billie…you…hurt her” I rolled my eyes.

“I know that Matthew, go away” I said aloud to myself again.

“No. stop and think about it” matt said. I didn’t want to listen to him, but I had to. “You got what you wanted with her, now let her go Billie” I leaned back into my couch.

“Im not going to let her go, that was too much fun” I smiled.

“Billie…im beginning to think you ARE your step dad”

“Matt shut the fuck up and go away you aren’t any help” I shouted. I pushed myself off the couch and into the kitchen. He just never stops.

“Billie Joe stop for one fucking second” he demanded. So I did, I stopped and propped myself up on the kitchen island. “Listen, you did get what you want…but what about what she wants?”

“All she wants is to go home, and shes not going to, understand that?” I asked, my own voice echoing through my empty house.

“Yes, but if you want to keep her alive, feed her is all im saying” then he left. He was right, I thought again. Ugh I hated when Matthew was right.

I decided to make Chicken Alfredo and garlic bread; it’s the best I could think of besides mac and cheese. Mac and cheese isn’t very filling. I set up a plate for Grace with silverware and a napkin with a glass of milk. I carefully balanced it as I had to open two doors as well as close them.

The basement she was in was freezing; I realized that after chills filled my open skin. When I came up to her she was peacefully sleeping. She looked like she needed it. “Wake her up and give her the food Billie, while it’s hot” matt echoed in my head and I rolled my eyes at him again. I set her dinner down and shook her shoulder lightly.

As if she was scared awake she sat up frightened and then she calmed down realizing she wasn’t in trouble, I think she was having a bad dream. “Here” I said picking it up and handing it to her. She gave a one second half smile and picked up her fork.

“Thank you”

“You’re welcome” I quietly smiled at her. When she took a bite her face lit up and her eyes widened.

“This is really good” I gave a laugh and stood up, her eyes following my movement.

“Good I’m glad, you have milk there” I pointed. “And when you’re done I’ll come back to get it” I gave another smile and went out the studio door, turning on the light for her, then closing the door and locking it.

“How do you feel now, Billie?” Matthew asked. If he had a face, I could’ve seen the smirk slapped across it.

“Shut up Matt” I sarcastically smiled walking up the stairs into the kitchen to eat my own cooked meal.
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I'm so sorry it took a year. I feel bad. I've been really busy and I promise to update more often! Tell me what you guys think of this one? Please! Comment, Sub, and Recomend. :D Readers and everything is appreciative!