Angel Souls and Devil Hearts

Angel Souls And Devil Hearts: Chap 35

I woke up the next morning with a spliting headache and my face in a pile of drool. I slowly opened my eyes and it was pitch black in the room. I was naked and my arm was wrapped around someones waist. I slowly ran my hand up their arm untill i came to their shoulder and i felt the small scar just above her shoulder blade. I wrapped my arm back around Kristalls waist and pulled her back up against my chest. She stirred a little bit and groaned.

"Zacky? what time is it?"

I sat up a little bit and glanced at my alarm clock to see the bright red numbers 5:43PM shining in my face.

"Its quarter till Six, why?"

"Fuck i had a job interview at like 4:30." She said sitting up.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, "Job interview for what?" i asked while sitting up and wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

She leaned up against me and sighed deeply, "Just a part time job for when Im going to be home while you guys go on tour."

"Bull shit your coming with us." i stated and got up out of bed.

"Zacky, you know what happened last time and i dont think i can live through that again. Im just going to stay home, relax, and work at Starbucks up untill either i get tired and quit or untill you all get home. Either way im not going with you guys this time. And plus i want to see if i can make it 5 months by myself in a house alone with no one to keep me company and have the danger of criminals lurking around every corner."

I turned around as she walked up to me with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. I opened my arms and she walked into them and i held onto her and rocked us back and forth. I understand what happened to her was extremely devistating but there is no way in hell im going to leave her my herself for 5 months.

"And plus Brian already agreed to it so ha!" she said and kissed my cheek.

She scurried into the bathroom and left the door cracked. I heard the shower turn on and i put on some boxers and left the room heading to Brian and Tara's room. I loudly knocked on the door and i heard a couple of groans come from the other side.

"Brian, get your ass up, we need to talk." i simply stated and walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

I turned the corner and Papa gates was sitting there with what looked like have masticated eggs sitting infront of him on a plate Bry had just set down.

"What the hell is that?"

"It eggs! what the hell does it look like?"

Papa gates picked up his fork and poked at the eggs cautiously. I laughed out loud and Bry turned towards me with an annoyed look on her face.

"Shut it vengeance, or ill make you eat them." she simply stated and threw the pan she used into the sink.

"Bring it Bry, Kris wont let you force feed me those fucking eggs."

"wanna bet?"

I turned around as Kris came down the stairs in her pjs rubbing her eyes.

"Ill let Bry force feed you those eggs just for shits and giggles."

Bry laughed and picked the plate up off of the table. Papa Gates had already walked away to avoid having to eat them. Before she could launch herself at me i ran over to Kris and wrapped my arms around her shoulders buring my face into her neck and sweatshirt.

"Kris, run away, your man needs to learn some manners." Bry said while grabbing a handful of eggs.

"I would if i could hun but i am not in the mood to put up a fight right now." Kris said and slipped her arms out to reach up into the cabinet to grab some medicine.

I gently kissed the side of her neck and looked into her tired eyes. She gently smiled at me with her eyes closed and then turned her attention towards the bottle trying to pry it open. Her hands kept slipping and i noticed she couldnt get a very good grip on the cap.

"are you ok babe?" i asked quietly and took the bottle from her hands to open it.

"I feel like shit, iv only felt this bad once before and it went away after i took some meds." She said laying her head on my chest as i opened the bottle at took out 3 pills.

She held out her hand as she leaned over to the fridge and opened the door to grab a bottle of water. I dropped the pills into her hand and put the bottle back into the cabinet. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rocked her back and forth, i turned around just as Brian and Tara were coming into the kitchen with pissed off looks on their faces.

"Zack, your a dick, what the hell do you want to talk about?" Tara asked and walked over to the table and sat down.

"Why did you agree to let Kristall stay home while we go on tour?"

"Because she asked and i didnt see a problem with it." Brian simply stated and walked over to Tara and kissed the top of her head.

"Zacky, its really not that big of a deal, ill totally be fine by myself. I think its ganna be fun." Kristall said enthusiastically.

I studied her face closely and sighed. I slowly nodded and she smiled at me before she buried her head into my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up. I set her on the counter so she could sit down. I rested myself between her legs and she leaned against me and sighed.

We sat like that for a while before she started shaking uncontrolably.
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Sorry its been so long that i have updated and it might take me a few days to post the next chapter so please be patient plus

comments=updates galore!!