A Heart-Breaking Proposal

A Heart-Breaking Proposal

"You must be tired." he said, sitting on the couch beside her. She laid her head on his shoulder.

"Why do you say that?" she asked, focusing her bright blue eyes on his flawless face.

"You've been running through my mind all day." he smiled down at her, awaiting her reaction. She laughed and playfully hit his chest.

"You are so corny, Philip."

"I know, but I just can't ever figure out what to say when you are around." he admitted, lacing his fingers with hers.

"Why not?" she frowned.

"I really don't know. I just don't think that I could say anything that is good enough for you. Like anything I say is worthless compared to you." he sighed and pulled her hand up to his lips. He gave it a kiss and a gentle squeeze. She blushed and smiled.

"I can't believe that. You always know what to do and say to make me smile." she told him.

They sat on that couch, her head on his shoulder, fingers entwined, for God knows how long. This was an every day ritual for them. No words were spoken, because none were needed. All that was needed for both was each other, and then they had the world.

"Are you ready to go home, Gabi?" he asked her suddenly.

"Yeah." she answered after a long moment. Before they got up, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. He was ecstatic. His plan was going to work out beautifully.

She stood up, and he followed. When she was turned away from him, he reached into his pocket and felt what was inside. He smiled secretivly when he felt the velvet material touch his finger tips.

She started to walk to the front door, bit he gradded her hand before she got away. She turned towards him and smiled. He bent down and gently kissed her lips before pulling her out the front door. They walked to his car and got in.

Our car soon. He thought, hopefully. He stuck the key in the ignition and drove out onto the street.

The boy's driving was very peculiar. He was nervous at what her reaction would be. He got on the high way, as usual, and sped up to eighty miles per hour. He kept his eyes on the road and didn't say a word to her.

She noted his silence, but didn't break it. Instead, she reached over and turned on the radio. When it came on, the boy swerved.

"Philip, are you okay? You're a million miles away tonight."

"I'm fine, love." he assured her. She let it go and flipped through the stations. She found one soon enough, and sat back in her seat.

He slowed down as he started to relax. He got off on her exit, and stopped at the red light. When the light changed to green, he hit the gas.The car slowly inched forward. Something to the right caught both of their eyes. A light was getting brighter by the second. They never felt the impact.

When the police arrived, they declared the couple dead on the scene. They identified the two as Philip Bell and Gabrielle Carroll. The news report that night broke many hearts.

Two local college students and an older man are dead this evening after an accident just off of exit 23. Police say that twenty-two year old Philip Bell, was driving his girlfriend, Gabrielle Carroll, also twenty-two, back to her dorm earlier this evening, when a drunk driver hit the right side of Bell's vehicle. None of the victims were wearing a seat belt. Perhaps the most heart-breaking part of this even, was what was found in Bell's pocket.

Police found an engagement ring in his pocket. They think he was going to propose to his girlfriend tonight.

The girl would never know how much she truly meant to the boy. She would never know how much he loved her. All of this was because some stupid person decided to drink and drive.

Some say we have a fate, a destiny, maybe. I just think that love puts us through many hardships. We hurt for love, we do stupid things for LOVE. Sometimes, we even DIE for love.