Status: Working on it!

I'm In It For You

Why You Gotta Bring Me Down

I went into the bathroom waiting for Tom to knock on the door.


I heard the door open as Tom slid into the bathroom. We quietly pushed the door shut and locked it. Tom put his arms around me as I put my hands around his neck. It felt so amazing to be back to where we used to be.

"I've missed you so much babe." Tom said as he gave me a gentle kiss. "This whole summer was really hard without you."

"I really missed you too. Everything will be fine again, I promise."

"That sounds great to me boo." Tom said kissing me again.

"Do you want to head out of here pretty soon?" I said with a smile across my face.

"I'd really love that. I want to spend as much time with you as I can before I have to go back to Montreal."

"Lets get out while we can! We'll stop and say bye to the guys and then take off." I said while giving him a quick kiss and opening the door. We started walking toward the porch where we could see my cousins and Olivia.

"Zo, you're so smart. Plus it looks like Lindsey isn't done for the night."

"What do you mean?"

"Looks like someone is very drunk."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"I wish I was. You would think she would have learned her lesson last summer with the DUI."

"You would think, but remember this is Lindsey we're talking about."

"That is true babe. You never know what she's going to do."

Jordan, Marc, Eric, and Olivia were all out on the deck as we finally made our way out of the camp.

"Hey we just wanted to say Happy Birthday to you again, Jord. Tom and I are going to get going." I said giving Jordan a big hug.

"Thanks for everything, Zo. And thanks for the new yellow hat, it's perfect. Tom, I'm leaving her in your hands, you better take good care of her."

"Haha I knew it would be." I said starting to laugh.

"Staalsy, you know that won't be a problem." Tom said.

"Oh I know it won't be. We have a bigger problem than that." Jordan said.

"Hmm let me guess..." I said. Everyone looked down with their heads shaking. "Just say it guys, I know it's coming."'

"It's Lindsey." Tom said quietly under his breath.

"Maybe we should call a cab to take her home" Eric suggested.

"We can't do that, she'll get even more pissed off." I said holding my head. I decided to take a seat on the swing to think about what to do with her.

"Tom, what should I do?" I said sinking my head into his chest.

"I really don't know babe." he said as he started rubbing my back trying to calm me down.

"Zoey are you alright?" I heard a familiar voice.

"I guess, it's stupid Lindsey in there." I said looking up. "LC? I didn't know you and Taylor made it?!"

LC sat down and gave me a hug. "We just got here not too long ago. It'll be okay girl."

"She really needs help. My parents and I can only do so much for her."

"I know, doll. You guys have helped her so much just for her to turn around and act like an asshole." LC said.

"Thanks LC. You're a better sister than my own blood sister."

"Zo, you don't deserve her crap. She takes you for granted all the time. From all the things you've told me at the salon, I don't know how you do it!"

"Yeah but I don't want to get a phone call saying she's in the hospital."

"Babe how about we just drive her back to your parents place." Tom said.

"That' a really good idea, Tom." LC said.

"Yeah I think we'll do that" I said as I got up from the swing.
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