Status: Working on it!

I'm In It For You

We're Just Like You, Only Prettier

There she was standing right before me... Jocelyn. The biggest bitch in Thunder Bay, of course one of Lindsey's best friends. Her parents owned a few stores in town, so she always had everything handed to her. I don't think she had ever worked a day in her life. She always treated me horribly in high school thinking she was better than everybody else. How my sister got to be best friends with her doesn't really surprise me. Even though Tom and I were dating in high school, she still felt the need to flirt with him. LC couldn't stand her either since she tried doing it with Taylor as well.

"Sorry, we're not open yet." LC said.

"Well I knew that." Jocelyn said in a snobby tone. "I came in to see Tom."

I just stood there rolling my eyes slightly becoming frustrated. Of course she would want to see Tom now that we're together again.

"Jocelyn, didn't you hear LC? She said they're not open yet."

"Then why are you here getting your hair cut?" she said coming closer to Tom. "Especially with Zoey doing it."

"Look she's my girlfriend and she does an excellent job. She works unlike you."

"Thanks babe." I said leaning over to give him a kiss.

"I think it would be best if you leave." LC said pointing towards the door.

"Don't worry I'll be back...later!" Jocelyn said as she walked out the door.

"God I hope she's not back when I'm here." I said as I continued cutting Tom's hair.

"Babe, don't worry about her. She's an ugly skank that trolls around town."

"I know but still. I don't trust her at all."

"Zoey, I don't think any women trust her here besides your sister. We should take her down." LC said laughing.

"My god, I would not want to mess with you two." Tom said laughing.

"On second thought, I hope she does come in while we're here. I have a plan." I said with a smirk on my face.

Ohhh I can't wait for this." LC said as she sat in the next chair over.

"I'm thinking pink will look great on her, don't you think so?" I said looking over to LC.

"I'm thinking so" LC said giving me a high five.

"You two better get a picture of this." Tom said.

We definitely will!" I said as we all started laughing.

A few minutes later I finished up Tom's haircut.

"Well what do you think?" I said as I spun the chair around so Tom could see his haircut.

"Zo! It looks great! Thank you so much!" Tom said as he jumped up giving me a hug.

"You're welcome babe." I said giving me a kiss.

We turned on the radio since there were only about 5 more minutes before we would open up the salon for the day. Taylor came into the salon to get Tom for their workout.

"Hey bro! Ready to go?" Taylor said.

"Yep. Ready when you are."

"Alright. You ladies have an excellent day at work." Taylor said giving LC a kiss.

"Don't forget about dinner tonight! I'll pick you up at 6." Tom said giving me a kiss.

"Okay babe. I'll see you later!"

The rest of the morning LC and I got swamped with customers since the receptionist called off. Luckily we were able to get Laura to come in after lunch to help out. Of course as soon as Laura showed up we had slowed down significantly. LC ordered a cheese pizza for our lunch. Oh the perks of working down the street from the best pizza shop. We decided to give each other french manicures for our date tonight. About ten minutes later Jocelyn had showed back up at the salon wanting to get her hair dyed.

"So how long is this going to take you?" Jocelyn said sitting down in the seat as I put the cape over her.

"About an hour. How light were you thinking of going?"

"As light as you can get it. If its dark, I'm not paying."

"Don't worry about it, this one's on the house."

"Really? I would never ever expect you to do it for free, especially since Tom loved me FIRST."

"Seriously don't worry about it." I said rolling my eyes. Why is Tom even being brought up? What a jealous bitch.

Jocelyn sat down with her Cosmopolitan while I started processing her hair. Pink was going to be fun for sure. I had only done it once so I had LC help me.

"This is going to look great Jocelyn! I'm sure you're going to be thrilled with the results!" I looked over to see Laura at the desk about to burst out laughing. We let her in on it while having the pizza. We knew that we couldn't get in trouble if the owner's daughter agreed to it. While rinsing out the color we took a photo and sent it to the boys. LC then took her back to the chair to blow dry and style it. When I could see LC was about done with it I came over to help spin the chair around to the mirror. We stood there waiting if she was going to say anything. She didn't even look. LC and I stood there puzzled. Jocelyn got up out of her seat and just walked out of the salon.

"Now that wasn't weird" LC said as she started to laugh.

"No, not at all!" I said as I began laughing as well. The other hairdressers for the next shift were already here so LC and I decided to leave a little bit early.

Hey I'll see you tonight girl!" I said as we walked to our cars.

"Hey do you know where the boys are taking us?" LC asked.

"Nope, no idea. What are you going to wear?"

"Umm probably jeans and a top. Hopefully its not somewhere fancy."LC said laughing.

"I know right?! Oh well if we do, we'll both look funny together."

"Alright see you later Zo!"

We both got into our cars and made our way out of the parking lot. I turned on the radio and was back at the apartment before I knew it.

"Hey Olivia!" I said as I walked in.

"Hey girl! How was work?"

"Excellent! LC and I dyed Jocelyn's hair bright pink."

"You did not!" Olivia said jumping up.

"I kid you not. It was the best ever." I said laughing. "Where's Jordan at?"

"That is amazing! He's over at Eric's helping outside. I'm going over there soon since Tanya is having a little picnic."

"Aww that's nice of her. Tom and Taylor are taking LC and I out somewhere for dinner tonight."

"A surprise I take it?"

"Yep! Help me pick something out?"

"Yeah sure!" Olivia said as she walked with me into my room.

"Do you think this would look good?" I asked.

The outfit:

I love it!"


"No problem!" Olivia said as her phone started going off.

I decided to take a nap before I could even put my head on the pillow my phone started vibrating. Text from Lindsey. Well hell this has got to be good.


I just had to laugh at that one.

I texted her back with "Take a chill pill, it'll wash out after 5 washes." That'll shut her up. I finally got around to taking my nap and waking up at 5 to get ready. I straightened my hair pulled it up into a high ponytail. I then washed my face and reapplied my makeup. I got changed into my outfit and decided to turn on the tv since I still had some time to kill. Before I could find something good to watch Tom was knocking on the door. I quickly opened the door to let him in.

"Hello my love" he said giving me a kiss.

"Why hello there handsome."

"Are you ready to go angel?" Tom said taking my hand.

"Absolutely." I said smiling from ear to ear. We walked over to his car to find Taylor in the driver seat and LC in the passenger's seat with a blindfold on.

Her outfit:

Tom opened the door as we got into the backseats.

"So you're not going to tell me where we're going?"

"Nope!" he said as he pulled out a blindfold for me.