Status: Continue or Not?

Angelic Shadows

War Casted

Silver feathers blanketed the ground in a glimmer of metallic beauty. The sun’s golden rays couldn’t compare to this majestic scene. But, underneath this beautiful cover, darkness crept, its dark shadows undetectable. Slowly stepping on the edges, a dark creature watched as the feathers began to move slightly. A rising figure emerged from the silvery area, its shape in the form of an angel. Wings burst out, almost covering the entire area, forcing the creature to flinch. Turning its head around, a dark gaze forced the angel to glare, its blue eyes narrowed.
“I never expected to see a Dark-Runner here,” it spoke, a sudden growl behind its renowned soothing voice.
Stepping into the silvery light, the creature raised its head in acknowledgement. And it was revealed to have a strangely luminous glow and sapphire coat. Dark eyes looked upon the angel in rivalry and fear. The soft wind in the clearing made its fur dance lightly on its body. Moving forward, the angel lifted an arm and stopped it in its tracks.
“It’s surprising to see you here, traitor” Silvio barked, his eyes flaring in betrayal.
Being taken back, the angel sighed and its wings returned to its side, slightly twitching. The silvery glow disappeared slowly, being replaced by the dark earthy shadows of the night. Unbeknownst to the great angel, more shadows slinked into the shadows, surrounding them both. Silvio growled softly, his eyes still upon the angel. Resting its feet on the ground, the angel drew a long sword, its body twice the size of Silvio.
“I apologise for what we have done, but it could not be prevented. Back down Silvio, and May God have mercy on you,” the angel sternly spoke, pointing the sword in Silvio’s direction.
Dropping his stance, Silvio backed away, his lips curled and teeth glimmering. His sapphire coat dulled since the silver display vanished but he still seemed to glow. Stepping back, the edges of the clearing moved with the shadows, as the other creatures moved forward, he reared his head. Circling the angel, the creatures were dark coated, displays of grey, black and even some blue. Their golden eyes watched the angel, ready to react instantly. Lifting their paws only millimetres off the ground, the angel then reared its wings out, taking out two Dark-Runners.
Their cries of shock and agony peeled in the night and the others stormed the seemingly defenceless angel. Their claws tore at flesh and jaws clamped on feathers. The angel struggled, under the ambush of bodies, but it couldn’t see Silvio anymore. Trying to knock off the creatures, he sent out a shockwave from his body, sending them off. Blood dripped from its wings, pooling around the ground.
“Silvio! Come out you cowa-“it roared, when its voice stopped.
Striking through its ribcage, an ice spike protruded, blood sliding from its deadly point. Silvio leapt from behind the angel and stood there, staring. His breathing slowed and he scoffed.
“Let God’s war finally begin!”

“What are you still doing here Silvio?” asked a Dark-Runner, its blue fur dully lit by the night.
“None of your business,” Silvio snarled, quickly turning to it, his paws suddenly clawed.
The angel’s body was still there, its body bloodied and scared. Silvio hadn’t left it; he didn’t want scavengers to eat its remains until another angel appeared. The Dark-Runner recoiled back and growled lowly, watching him before looking up. Appearing out of nowhere, another angel appeared, making the other Dark-Runner vanish instantly. Silvio watched as it hovered above its brethren. Rasing a hand to its mouth, it looked at Silvio, its eyes in a dark glare. Snapping open it’s wings, he hissed in fury at him, wings no longer a silvery colour, more a tainted gold.
“Silvioel, you half-casted down son of a wretched bitch, you should’ve let him kill you!” he screeched, making the trees shake at his high pitched voice, echoing in the valley.
Silvioel smiled and got to his feet, moving closer. The angel snarled but Silvioel walked over and grabbed the ice spike from its dead corpse, blood dripping steadily from it. The angel lurched forward but Silvioel growled threateningly and a shadow Dark-Runner appeared, snarling back. The angel stopped and back off.
“And then what? Your little crusade in attempting to kill me will end, and you poor bastards will have nothing to do,” he sneered, sending the shadow back.
Flinching slightly, the angel growled and went over to the dead body, saying something in Latin. As soon as it was said, the body steadily vanished, rising towards the heavens above. Turning back to leave, the angel looked at Silvioel one last time and his voice seemed a little sympathetic.
“Silvioel, why did you stay here with Castiel?” he asked, his eyes glowering.
“I might be on the other side, but I still hold respect for my former brethren,” he said, bowing respectfully before disappearing from sight.

Moving silently and quickly, Silvio leapt over the fallen logs of the forest around. His sapphire fur glinted in the small pockets of sunlight through the leaves of the towering trees above. His mind was now in a complete and total chaos. The death of his brother was a shock in its self but he managed to hold it together. Sensing there were more to come, he didn’t waste anytime in vanishing from the scene. Hearing the calls of the mourning angels, he hid within the forest, avoiding clearings, in which he might be spotted. Every paw step, every single move he made, it was making his escape easier and cleaner. His ice spike, in which he killed Castiel with, was no longer covered in blood, but now it’s beautiful icy self. Situated on his back, he stopped suddenly.
Looking up to the sky, he saw the lightning flash across its dark surface. Flinching slightly, he looked away, growling to himself. Muttering in Latin he cursed and pawed at the ground. Drawing in the dirt, runes that curved and twisted, they soon glowed softly. Lowering his body, he let his nose touch them and envelope his body, making his pelt no longer sapphire but darker and more demonic. Blinking, he let his eyes watch closely, before racing out, a dark creature on a dark landscape. He was only seen by the constant lightning across the sky, but he still managed to be dark and almost invisible.
Once out of the lightning scarred area, Silvioel had stopped to rest, sitting at the base of an oak. Panting, he let his coat return to normal, the dull sapphire returning back into him. Unblinking, he watched the area around him, wondering if any more angels were going to try an assassinate him. Stretching his jaws, he laid down, tail curled around his body, head resting upon his paws comfortably. Stray strands of fur had obscured his vision, letting him only see half his surroundings.
Dawn was fast approaching, and Silvio had to find the entrance to the Dark-Runner camp before the sunlight touched the hills. It wasn’t going to kill him; he just had to make sure he was accounted for. And with the way the sun was coming up, he didn’t have much of a chance to make it in time. Whipping back the fur, he came face to face with something glittery. A young angelet sat in front of him, small wings glittering slightly in the darkness. Looking down at it, Silvio growled, lips curled into a snarl, teeth bared.
The angelet looked unaffected, and drew out a hand, smiling.
“God has sent a message,” it spoke in a sweet angelic tone, burning into Silvio’s mind.
“What is it? Make is quick pest,” he answered, straining to his feet, staring down at it.
“God was saddened by your murder. But he understands that it was for protection. He respects that you will return one day,” it spoke again, words slightly hinting a mournful tone to it all.
“Well, tell Gabriel to stop sending his lackeys after me, and I won’t have to kill them!” he snarled, swatting at the angelet and it vanished.
Drawing his head back, he let a loose growl and turned to the hills. The first rays of light touched them and he glowered.
“Whoops, missed the attendance,” he smirked and walked deeper into the forest, pelt glittering slightly.
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Yes, this story is rather blank to begin with. I began starting it again, but lost the second chapter. Oh forgetful me. So, what do you guys think? Continue it or not? Worthy of being a winner story?